Chapter: 18 Spicy Curry

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Izuku POV

when katsuki and I got to the city station I told Josh I was already at the station and Josh told him he was walking out, after waiting for a few minutes Josh came out and I called him, Josh looked at us and he walked over to us.

"It's been a few years since we last saw Izuku, you're getting taller huh?" Josh said.

"Josh, this is my boyfriend, his name is Katsuki Bakugou," I said introducing katsuki to Josh.

"Nice to meet you Katsuki, my name is Josh Miller, I'm Izuku's former master," Josh said holding out his hand, Katsuki grabbed Josh's hand and they shook hands.

The three of us went to my house by using a taxi until we arrived near my old house area then we continued on foot because the taxi did not dare to enter my old house area while walking I discussed several things with Josh about who might be the one who dared to attack the family Josh, when we got to my old house I knocked on the door and after a while, the door opened and I saw Mary opening the door, Josh went to hug his wife and we entered the house.

"Are you hurt dear? What about Helix?" Josh asked in a worried voice.

"I'm fine and also Helix is ​​sleeping so don't be noisy" Mary replied.

"This shabby and small huh," Josh said and Mary hit him.

"Watch your mouth Josh," Mary said and I laughed.

"It's okay, this place is shabby and small but it's a very safe place," I said.

"Kyo and I have installed various security measures throughout the house and there is also a secret exit in case of an emergency, I have told Mary the secret passage and everyone else in the house so I will go now," I said and Josh nodded.

"Oh and there will be a woman who will come tomorrow morning to deliver groceries for you, that woman is my subordinate and if you need anything you can ask her," I added.

While walking back to UA I told Lapiz to bring groceries to my old house, Lapiz asked why I asked her to do that and I told him that my friend was living there and my friend was hiding so he couldn't go out too often, when we Arriving at UA we went straight to the dormitory and when we entered the dormitory we met Aizawa and several other teachers at UA.

"Where are you from?" one of the teachers asked.

"Help my acquaintances, why you ask?" I answered.

"We heard a report from one of your classmates that you did something suspicious and said that you were planning to kill someone, your classmate also gave evidence of this tape," Aizawa said and he played a recording, the recording was the conversation I had with Josh this afternoon.

"So? The footage isn't suspicious at all, it's just me talking to my acquaintances and joking around a bit, what's the harm?" I asked and Aizawa sighed.

"This is stupid, why are you guys panicking just because of this unclear thing?" Aizawa told the other teachers.

"That's because this child is not an ordinary child, he is a former villain so of course, he can't just change in just a few days," one of the teachers said and I laughed a little.

"So you think I can't turn into a good person in a few days? Let me tell you one thing, a person can become a villain in just a few minutes, of course, he doesn't completely change but he looks like a villain," I said and the teacher looked confused as to what I meant.

"Izuku's point is that you guys underestimate the changes that happen to someone," Aizawa said and I nodded.

"There are many factors that can make a person change, for example, there is a man who is in debt and it is almost time for him to pay or he is beaten or even killed, when this man was walking on a deserted street he saw a bag containing a lot of money, the money is enough for this man to pay his debts even he can live comfortably for a few months, the man knows if he takes the money he is stealing because the bag must belong to someone but he needs money so he takes it, what do you think this person is wrong or not?" I ask.

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