Chapter: 15 worried

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Izuku POV

My group and I were having breakfast while thinking about what we should say to Aizawa about Ryuma and Kota, Ida advised us to be honest with Aizawa and momo suggested we make up fake stories to avoid trouble or maybe lighten the punishment we were about to experience, we did vote gathering and the result was Ida's advice that was chosen the most, we prepared ourselves with the worst thing that would happen to us and after we were all ready we walked to Aizawa's room, when we got there we knocked on the door and after a few minutes the door to AIzawa's room was opened but not by Aizawa but by Present Mic.

"Hello mister mic, is Aizawa there?" I asked and Aizawa appeared from behind him.

"What's the matter, a problem child?" Aizawa said and we took a breath and explained our purpose to Aizawa's room, after we finished explaining Aizawa looked calm while Mic looked surprised.

"So? There are no rules for students to be prohibited from being outside the school on holidays, you are free to go anywhere if it is a holiday even if you go at night it's okay" Aizawa said.

"We also bring two 10-year-old kids, I and the others will be responsible for the two kids," I said and Aizawa nodded.

"Tell Nezu about the two children you brought to look for his family," Aizawa said.

"I don't want to go back to that house again, they always beat me, I don't want to go back to my family," Ryuma said.

"we will go now, Bye sir," I said and we left the front of Aizawa's room and went to Nezu's office, when we arrived we knocked on her door and heard a voice asking us to enter.

"What do you need here?" Nezu asked.

"Last night we saved these two kids, Aizawa said to tell you" I replied.

"what are the names of both of you?" Nezu asked.

"Kota" answered Kota.

"Ryuma" Ryuma replied.

"what are the names of your parents?" asked Nezu.

"I don't want to go back to my family, they always beat me and let me starve," Ryuma said.

"My parents died, I don't want to live in an orphanage, I want to live with Izuku," Kota said.

"Izuku, what do you think? Do you want to take care of Kouta?" Nezu asked me.

"Of course, I will take care of Kouta and Ryuma" I replied.

"Then it's decided, Izuku you will look after them until they are 15 years old or someone adopts them," Nezu said.

"Then we go now Nezu, Bye," I said.

"Izuku and Kyo, wait a minute I want to talk to you two" Nezu said and the others left Nezu's office while Kyo and I stayed there.

"Izuku and Kyo, I want you to look for the existence of LOV or more specifically Shigaraki Tomura," Nezu said and I thought.

"can I know the reason?" I asked.

"I don't know the reason surely but All Might want to find Shigaraki Tomura," Nezu Answered.

"well finding Shigaraki wasn't an easy matter but it wasn't too difficult either, from what I know now Shigaraki is nowhere to be seen but I heard that some LOV members joined the Overhaul group, I'm not sure they worked together or the LOV was destroyed but I don't know heard anything else about LOV lately," I told Nezu.

"Because I feel that you and the heroes will make stupid moves I will tell you one more thing, if you are planning to attack the Overhaul base I suggest you don't destroy the Overhaul base because at the bottom of the base there is a lab where Overhaul is doing experiments, you also have to be careful with the weapons they use because they have Quirk-busting bullets," I said.

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