Chapter: 9 Talk 1

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Izuku POV

I and Katsuki arrived at the dormitory holding hands and when we entered the dorm, Katsuki let go of my hand and he walked back to his room while I walked towards Kyo who was in the kitchen, we talked about what Nezu might want us to do and I also asked his opinion is whether I'm still active in VBM or not, Kyo said to stay active but don't take too big jobs and only take small jobs that are not related to UA.

The news about ghosts and Deku siding with heroes has spread on VBM and I don't deny it when some people at VBM ask about it but I'm still flooded with jobs from various people even Shigarak still offers jobs, after a few minutes of talking to Kyo I got a message from someone asking if I was Deku but I do not answer it because not many people know my number, tried to find who he was and after a while trying to hack the number that contacted me I managed to get the identity and photo of the owner of that number.

The owner of the number is a woman with bright blue hair and from the photo, she was seen in an internet cafe in the area near my old headquarters, I thought I had seen that woman before but I couldn't remember her and I asked Kyo if he knew her.

"That's a woman who asked to be your student when we were in old based, she has good abilities but you refused because you weren't interested in having students, it seems like she didn't give up," Kyo said after I showed him the woman's photo.

"her nickname is Lapiz if I remember correctly and she is also quite famous in VBM as a talented hacker" Kyo added while showing the Lapiz page on VBM using his cellphone.

"Oh! I remember now, she asked me to teach her as a Hitman, I refused because ever since I stopped working for Josh I stopped killing and no desire to kill anymore, at least for now ...." I said after remembering the woman's nickname.

"As a Hitman? You didn't say that before, you just said teach her-" Kyo stopped after he realized he said something stupid.

"You didn't say what to teach her, I'm so stupid," Kyo said while cursing himself.

"Idiot, well she knows my number now and she's a hacker it means she knows where I am now and with what we're talking about, am I right Lapiz?" I said and my cellphone turned on and I saw a picture of a female chibi with long blue hair.

"You are right Deku, something that is not surprising about you, I called you to thank you and I want to work with you Deku, and ghosts of course," girl's voice says.

"You want to work with us so much that you don't use voice changers? You're such a confident woman" I said and I heard Lapiz laugh.

"well I've sent you my information so why not tell me my voice as well?" Lapiz said and I looked around, I see the students who were in the living room looking at me and Kyo.

"Lapiz, we'll talk later, ghost and I are being watched by UA students, talk again later at 6 pm ok?" I say.

"Alright Deku! See you later!" Lapiz said and my cell turned off again.

"well this could be a good opportunity for you Izuku, Lapiz sounds interesting and she is very talented if you ask me, you once tell me hacking handphones like that was difficult," Kyo said and I chuckled.

"Do you think so? I thought to accept her too but she will not work for Nezu but for the two of us, Nezu is too lucky if Lapiz works for him too" I said and saw Katsuki get out of the elevator, he looked at me and walked towards me.

"Hi, Katsuki, or should I call you bakugo?" Kyo said.

"You're Izuku's close friend so it's okay to call me katsuki, you .... Kyo, right?" Katsuki said and Kyo nodded.

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