Chapter: 7 Get Caught

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Izuku POV

a month has passed since AFO was caught and All Might retired, Kyo and I were doing our usual activities, namely hacking the ATM and after we finished emptying the ATM we returned to the base and when we were about to arrive at the base we saw our base was filled with police and we also saw there were some heroes there, I opened my laptop and opened VBM and it turns out that someone is selling information about me and Kyo and he is selling our base information to heroes.

"Damn! Kyo, do you think we can take half of our savings and destroy the base?" I asked and Kyo shook his head.

"I lost the base destruction program this morning because I was updating it and it was really hard to take our savings with them all there," Kyo said. 

'damn it! This was the worst day,' I thought and I entered my own computer and then deleted all the files that were in there, I did a computer shredding program after a while I heard the explosion from the base and we went looking for a temporary place to stay.

because all our money was gone we had to make some more money but before that, I gave lessons to the guy who sold my information by hacking his computer and installing a self-destruct program and I blew up that guy's computer, we went back to the beginning again and we immediately set up a plan and we decided To clear more ATMs, we did that for the whole night and we had managed to roll 12 ATMs in different places and when we got to the place we were staying we immediately tidied up our stuff and went looking for a new place.

We move places continuously and now it's our 5th day and we are now looking for a new place to live but unexpectedly our faces have spread across the city and this time I am very annoyed and really want to kill the person who leaked our photo, I managed to track down that person and I monitored him for the whole day, after that I planned how to kill him and after I was done Planing I did my plan and the man died in his sleep with a bullet through his head and I destroyed all the computers that were in place and left the place.

news about me killing people who leaked my information was spread on VBM and many people were afraid of me and LOV trying to recruit me but I refused because I prefer to not have a side, After our faces have spread me and Kyo live in my old house because that place is rare the police passed and everyone there was afraid of me because I had a gun, LOV didn't give up recruiting me and they offered various offers but I ignored them.

It doesn't feel like a month has passed since Kyo and I lost our base and it's been a few weeks since Kyo and I lived in my old house, the news about me and Kyo was broadcast on TV and we became even more careful with our movements because we became fugitives for robbing banks and hacking dozens of ATMs, we were very careful until our money started running out and we were forced to search again and we decided to rob a small bank in the city and when we managed to rob the bank we were told by one of the heroes of the night, Eraserhead.

we ran away on motorbikes and Eraserhead chased us and there was the sound of police cars from a distance, I used all my ability to avoid the police so I was forced to do something crazy, namely driving a motorbike on top of a building at 100 km per hour and we managed to escape from the police, I lowered speed but bad luck befell us because we were trapped by the heroes and my motorbike gasoline has run out. 

'damn it! could it be worse?!' I scream in my head.

"Give up the ghost, you are surrounded," said Eraserhead.

"Kyo I'll buy time for you to run away, run as far as possible and return home, there I left a Glock and a few bullets and money for a week," I told Kyo and I took out my two Handguns but Kyo didn't want to run and chose stay and he taking out his weapon.

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