Chapter: 19 Dad

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Izuku POV

I walked back to the dorm feeling annoyed and when I got to the dorm I saw Kota and Ryuma watching a movie, I took a bottle of water from the fridge and I went to sit next to Ryuma, Ryuma and Kota looked at me and they asked is there what about me because I'm sure my face looks really angry right now, I sighed and I leaned back against the couch.

"You can say today's meeting didn't go well," I replied.

"Something happened at the meeting?" Kota asks.

"It's just the heroes don't believe me and they also say I'm just a kid who doesn't know anything" I replied annoyed.

"Why did I decide to work with them? They are just a bunch of trash with blessings from birth" I said and closed my eyes, after a while, I opened my eyes again and looked at Ryuma and Kota.

"I'm sorry I vented my anger earlier," I said.

"It's okay Izuku, everyone must have had a bad day," Ryuma said.

"Yeah, you don't have to think too much about what they say," Kota says and I smile, I stroke their hair and it makes me feel better somehow.

"Thanks," I said.

"We're happy to help you Izuku," Ryuma said, we were watching a movie together and while I was watching I thought of something.

"Did you two go to school?" I asked Kota and Ryuma.

"I have" Kota answered.

"I never went to school, my bastard parents didn't want to send me to school because they thought it was useless" Ryuma answered.

"How long are you in school?" I ask Kota.

"4th grade, why?" Kota answer.

"I just thought that you two should go to school, after all, school is very important for the future of both of you," I said.

"Do you want to go to school?" I asked and they thought.

"No" Ryuma answered.

"why?" I ask.

"I don't want to bother you or others to pay for my school, you can use the money for more important things than it was used for me" Ryuma replied.

"You don't have to think about that Ryuma, school is very important for your future if you don't go to school you will have trouble in the future like me, I can't get a job with big pay because I dropped out of school even though I have adequate skills but many companies or a job that need high education," I said.

"Plus I'm your guardian so it's my responsibility to look after you and meet all your needs, the money problem isn't too big for me now, after all, I get quite a lot of salary plus my savings so far will also be enough to pay for school you guys" I added and Ryuma looked down, I sighed and I decided to let Ryuma think about it first and if he really doesn't want to go to school I won't force him anymore.

"I won't force you to go to school but think carefully ok, whatever your choice I will respect it," I said and stroked Ryuma's hair, Ryuma nodded and I took out my cellphone from my pants pocket.

I asked Lapiz if she had found a clue where Shigaraki was and how his condition was but Lapiz said she didn't find anything even in the former LOV markers, Lapiz said that all the computers or devices in the old LOV headquarters were damaged due to the hero during the attack, I annoyed about it because there might be useful information about the whereabouts or other bases of LOV but since everything is broken I can't get anything, I asked Lapiz to take a picture of the computer at LOV's old headquarters for me to show Kyo in hopes he can fix it.

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