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( I couldn't find who made the art above but credit to them!)

Y/n sat on the cold wood floor as they shivered and stare up out the window( I think its a window) hoping to see something but mist on the window. After awhile Y/n began hearing heavy footsteps with short but loud breathing.

As Y/n darted to the door that separated her from the outside world to see the much bigger man with a sack over his head and a plate of food

"Heya mister! Back again?"
The man that you called out to was The Hunter from his outfit and the big shotgun he carried. The Hunter shook his head as he opened the door to the room Y/n were captive in.

Y/n just sat on the floor, as escaping wasn't an option when the man who was bigger than her was in front of her. As the Hunter placed the plate gently on the floor in front of Y/n, while you were slightly smiling as Y/n were starving, "Thank you" Y/n peeped causing the Hunter to nod and leave.

You waved while saying "Bye!" And glanced towards the plate while hearing his footsteps go up stairs

After he closed the door Y/n began eating the food on the plate like a wild animal. As Y/n forgot about the hunter and the awful silence through rough tearing off food and stomach rumbles.

As you finished you slid the plate to the corner of the room with the rest of them which staked up to three, you saw something. A music box

That music box looked untouched with dust blanketing it from top to bottom as you got excited, Y/n was trying their best to enjoy themselves to the best of their abilities.  As Y/n drifted a finger over the box, covering the tip of it with a gray dust causing her to rub it off. She firmly grabbed the handle and began cranking it with the little strength Y/n had. When she first cranked it, it began creaking causing Y/n to cringe for a bit before eventually learning to deal with it.

After learning to deal with the creaking it eventually disappeared, making you glad. After cranking it (crank dat soulja boy 🕴) Y/n decided to continue this until they fell unconscious.

Y/n sighed, wrist hurting from going in the same cycle and the recycled music forming in Y/n's brain. They stood up and began stretching, popping their knuckles, popping their neck, performing the splits but giving up half way. 

As Y/n looked up the dim light that was giving the room some vision for you. Y/n started thinking of just doing random things to pass time, now she began spinning in circles while holding her hands out pretending someone was there.

She continued this until she slammed against the floor with a extremely loud thump leading with a loud groan coming from her. "Oww!" Y/n carried out the end of her short word, holding her leg.

She limped her way back to the table where she slept in potato sacks that was the only warmth she had either than her body, as she wrapped herself in layers of sack (do not take this out of context) and tried to make herself comfortable but eventually drifted off to sleep.

(First chapter yay, but anyways hope you enjoyed)

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