Mono and Six

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(Picture shown above done by aurnt0 on Instagram)

(Possible Self harm warning: Scratching arms excessively)

(Third POV)

The duo flew through a bumpy intestine like tunnel then shot out of TV and onto a mattress in a different building. They quickly got to their feet and climbed to the next floor to find another TV, they go through it and find out that they are on the 'balcony' of the building. They quickly figure out they have to cross through the other TV. 

They continued jumping and traversing through rooms and rooftops while making small talk, "So where do you think Y/n is at?" Six asked as the two of them finished climbing through a window frame into yet another destroyed room "I think she may be at the Signal Tower, that man went through the TV to get there is what I believe." Mono responded after finding a TV remote, he grabbed Six's hand and transported to another TV that was only a few feet away.

The duo quickly made it through a deserted post office with hundreds of letters lying around. "Mono, only one of us can go." She said as she looked towards the coat hanger waiting patiently, "You can just hold onto my leg." Mono suggested "That'd be risky and I'm not going to waste your chance of saving Y/n because of me." 

"Six, we're going to get her back you don't need to wait here." Mono argued, as he walked over to the coat hanger while Six sat down on one of the boxes. She was content on being left behind for your rescue. "Six c'mon, lets not waste time" He said as he gestured her to come over.

"Do I have to?" She asked with a empty tone, Mono walked over and grabbed her hand as he went flying on the clothing line as Six screamed her lungs out. They both crashed into the floor, after a while they got up. "You didn't have to do that, you could've just left me." Six whispered as Mono looked behind him and grabbed Six's hand.

"Six, I'm not going to leave you because you think it'd be easier if you weren't here." Mono admitted as they continued. They opened a door and found a woman staring at static on a television, Mono turned off the TV causing the woman to walk into her kitchen and stare at the other TV dangling on a cord. They both go through it and continue adventuring until they discover a man watching a television just like the woman, Mono turns the TV on from the other side of the room and makes the man charge towards it causing him to fall to his death.

(Y/N POV) (Possible self harm warning: scratching arms excessively)

It was cold

I sit up and scan my surroundings, they look familiar to me like I've seen this multiple times. They remind me of the Hunter's basement. I continue to look around until I notice the music box in the middle of the room. I walked over to it as I look around again.

Something doesn't feel right, its the feeling I get when Mono touches TV screens. I take one last look around before I touch the music box, when I do nothing happens. Until my hands started to grow bigger as the rest of my body did in horrid ways.

my legs started to grow as my arms began growing with my body parts popping and bending in intense agony. My hair started growing longer until it was halfway down my back, I was the size of a small high school student. I suddenly have the urge to protect the music box from whatever is out there. My lanky arms reach out to touch the music box but I heard a loud thud come from upstairs. I walk towards the door and open it warily before noticing it looked different when I was last here. There were eyeballs and occasional gooey muscles on the walls and floors.

When I walked up the stairs the thud from upstairs appeared again, When I finally found the source I was distraught. There stood Hunter scratching his skin to the point where it was bleeding and his bag mask sat on the desk beside him while he silently crying, rivers were flowing from his eyes at a scary pace with his occasional sobs and sniffles. The look on his face was one that will remain in your mind for the rest of your life.

His eyes were puffy and red as he grabbed a picture frame of a family, a happy looking one. The mother and father smiling ear to ear as the children had wonderful faces of delight, the smallest child looked like the Hunter while his other sibling showed similar features. He eventually stopped scratching his arms as he laid on his side in the fetal position, he just held himself as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Hello Y/n." a voice called making you whip your head around to see the thin man from before. "What do you want?!" You shout as you step back.

"I just want to talk."


Alrighty! I am so sorry that I didnt get this out sooner, i was busy with Christmas things but i hope you'll all be happy with this chapter

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