The City

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(Art done by six_x_mono_cute_ on Instagram)
(Also sorry for taking so long to update!)

Mono stayed up for watch while Y/n and Six slept, they looked so peaceful. Especially Y/n. The rain poured as the trio sat there, all was peaceful and all was calm nothing could ruin this moment of peace. Six woke up with a loud yawn as she stretched her limbs, her limbs popping and cracking.

"Hey Mono, how have you've been?" She asked with a slight slur in her voice, Mono nodded as he rubbed the sleeping Y/n's head with his hand. "Eh I'm alright, what about you?" He responded with a sniffle. Six stood up "I'm alright, we should probably get going." She yawned as she stretched. Mono shook Y/n gently as Six looked out the window, it was raining heavily.

"Its still raining, its sort of calming." Six  blurted out, Y/n was awaking as she heard that. Mono rose to his feet as he helped Y/n up, the trio had climbed out of the window and up a conveniently placed ladder. Mono jumped up to a partially boarded up window he climbed inside as a TV broadcast could be heard, Six and Y/n followed inside quickly as Mono raised a finger to where his lips would be. He took out his trusty flashlight and he carefully walked into the darkness.

A man could be seen cupping his hands on the sides of his eyes as he faced a door, Mono very carefully took Y/n's hand and began walking past him as Six took Y/n's other hand into hers. The only light that was seen was from the torch in Mono's hand, the trio eventually made it down the hallway and turned left to see a fain static television. The trio glanced at each other before treading down the gloomy hallway, as they got closer to the trio it was then that they saw a woman staring at it. The room to their right was empty before they entered it. The area sounded damp and it seemed the rain was still pouring.

After going through the door, a man's shadow could be seen with a TV facing him as he sat in a bathtub. a small hatch in the wall could be seen as Six motioned them over, once the trio came through the hatch the room gotten slightly darker as the floor ahead was broken and damaged. Mono walked a couple feet before glancing down the cavern to see a elevator to jump on, "Over to this elevator guys!" He called out to Six and Y/n who were stood idly watching Mono.

Y/n hopped onto the elevator floor with a thump! Mono had lend his hand to her as Six watched, Six pulled the lever and the elevator flew upwards and the trio discovered they need another key for the elevator gate. They went back down and Mono unexpectedly jumped off to a unseen platform, Y/n cursed as she saw Mono fall off the elevator "God Dammit Mono! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Y/n exclaimed, Mono soon began apologizing as the elevator stopped. "I'll be back! I promise!" Mono yelled, it echoed through the cavern. "Just be back in one piece!" Six yelled back as the sound of a small pitter-patter appeared.

"Time to wait I guess." Six said as she sat down. Y/n slowly lowered herself onto the floor, the two girls eventually began talking about random stuff. After a few minutes Mono called from above catching the two girls attention, Six scampered to her feet as she jumped onto the lever sending it upwards. The two girls stepped through the door frame as Mono stood proudly, after a few minutes the trio ended up on top of the elevator and entered a empty room except for the contraption for the elevator, the trio then made it to the roof where it still rained. 

A giant tower could be seen with a singular light on its top, it stood along as other buildings stood next to each other. Mono glared at it as Six and Y/n called him to catch up as they were a couple feet ahead of him, he snapped out of his haze as he scurried over towards them. After running around on rooftops and some power lines, the trio entered a building.

The building looked like it was falling apart, a couple floorboards and rubble could be seen occasionally. As the trio crawled through a small space made of rubble, the ceiling began slowly falling. Six quickly rushed towards the door as the rest of the ceiling caved in, Mono pushed the door down with here as Y/n warned them to hurry. The door fell down as the trio fell through and tumbled down but they quickly recovered as the floor continued caving in on itself, as Six had tripped over and Y/n had pushed her down with Mono towards the new broken floorboard.

Mono had slowly sat up holding his head, he looked around for his two friends frantically. He had rise onto his feet as he spotted a familiar yellow raincoat, he rushed over to her as her body shook. Six woke up to Mono shaking her violently as she groaned, she got to her feet but not without stumbling a bit. Mono now looked to his left to see Y/n's body crushed underneath a couch and rubble, he had rushed over as Y/n lifted her head weakly. "Y/n are you alright? are you hurt?" Mono frantically asked as Six rushed over to see her weaken friend. "I'm.. sure that I'm okay." She sighed as she lifted her arms to push herself out, Mono and Six grabbed her hands and pulled her out.

As Y/n stood she felt a sharp pain in her ankle as she walked forward. "Ah! God damn that hurts!" Y/n hissed as Mono rushed to help support her. "Is there somewhere I can sit around her?" Y/n asked with Six nodding "Just across the hall. There's a bed you can sit on." Mono sighed as he helped you towards the room, it was at least thirty feet away.

Mono and Six lifted you up onto the bed with a grunt. "Thank you" Y/n responded, Six nodded while Mono told her they were going to explore the rest of the rooms. Y/n nodded and the duo left.

I wonder what they'll find, You thought

Small Love ( Mono x f!Reader ) (Little Nightmares 2)Where stories live. Discover now