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Mono and Six Stopped in front of the slightly creaked open door in front of them. Mono took in a deep breathe before opening his mouth "So, this might be it. Y/n could be behind this door." he glanced at Six who was fidgeting with her fingers. This was the most nerve-wracking thing they were about to do and all it was, was opening a door. 

Mono pushed the door open and stepped in with Six following, the room was filled with toys any child would dream of having in this world along with stacks of empty plates that looked identical to the Hunter's from his basement and potato sacks. The room was filled with an enchanting melody, the source sat in the middle of the room untouched. The music box was chiming quietly  when Mono and Six took in their surroundings, when Mono noticed it he had the urge to touch it.

"Six, doesn't this music box look similar to you?" The boy whispered as he looked over to one of his companions, she looked over and her eyes widened. "That.. That looks just like the music box from the basement that guy kept me and Y/n in.." Six stuttered and stepped closer to it as the music had begun playing a little bit louder, the room had an eerie feeling that he was familiar with that he couldn't quite place it. Mono began to slowly walk over to the music box as its handle spun, there was a creak in the floorboards in front of him and looked towards the noise. 

He didn't expect to see a extremely tall, ragged hair, version of his beloved. Y/n had cautiously grabbed the music box with her long bony fingers and held it, using her arms to protect the box out of potential harm. Mono and Six were mortified to what they saw in front of them, Y/n didn't deserve to look like a monster. She grumbled something under her breathe as she sat idly while Mono and Six stared at their friend. Y/n's arms were slightly bent but weren't deformed at all and her legs were crouched to make her look smaller than her deformed size.

"S-So, Mono what do we do next?" Six asked with a whisper and slight quiver in her voice. Mono couldn't believe his eyes, did the Thin man do this to his precious Y/n? Mono motioned for Six to come towards him, She did so while being as quiet as she could be. It seemed to the smaller two that Y/n didn't seem to hear them, it seemed her only goal was to protect the music producing box as much as possible.

"Should we call out to her?" Mono whispered as he tilted his head in Y/n's direction while Six nodded. Mono and Six swallowed the lump in their throats and yelled "Y/N!!" This action caused Y/n to snap out of her little protective bubble upon hearing the familiar voices, She swore she heard them before but she couldn't quite place it. Y/n shot her head up and took a couple steps forward and stopped where Mono and Six were previously standing, "Okay lets do that again" Six whispered and the two of them repeated their previous action, causing Y/n to move forward again. Y/n crouched down and had let go of the music box, she grumbled and held herself in a hug with her arms.

All Y/n could think about was protecting the music box, she could barely find her voice and it didn't help that the loud noise she just head sounded like two people she knew. Once Y/n came forward she decided to give herself a small break and stopped holding the music box and chose to sit down with her legs sitting Indian style. (or criss cross applesauce for those who don't know) Everything was loud for her. she could hear everything more clearly and better.

Mono suddenly had the urge to walk towards Y/n, to hug her, or to hold her large hand, he walked towards her cautiously as Six watched with worry. When Mono came closer Y/n had let out a small snarl like warning, Mono eventually got close enough to actually touch her hand. Y/n pushed him back as gently as she could but her new found strength sent him onto his backside, Six walked over and helped him up as Y/n let out a small whimper.

Six looked around and spotted a old suitcase with a conveniently place hammer inside, she quickly rushed over to it while Mono kept his eyes on Y/n willingly. Six struggled to drag the hammer but managed to do so as Mono placed one of his hands on one of Y/n's bony finger. She let out a small coo as Mono kept unintentionally distracting her, Six whispered Mono's name "I'm going to test something, prepare to run if anything goes wrong." She motioned her head towards the hammer and the music box as Mono reluctantly nodded and released his hand from Y/n's finger.

As Six brought all her might to slam down the music box, when she did a weird glitch happened. She and Mono laid on the ground of a dark cold place with their only dim white light source coming from somewhere above, there was some some rubble on the  ground around them before they snapped back to the room they were in before. This time the room looked more chaotic with items floating in the air and Y/n crouching more and desperately holding her head but not for long as she grew angry. "Don't! " She snarled as she aimed towards the two smaller beings, Six quickly got up and pulled Mono up and forced him to run with her as Y/n was right on their tail.

The rooms they went through were falling apart as the two and the giant were running through them, drywall falling and the ceiling breaking off into chunks. The small duo went through a purple door and ran towards a small vent and crawled in quickly as Y/n slammed the wall in frustration. Mono and Six dashed under a small coffee table as Y/n stomped into the room, the two held their breathe as Y/n's more ragged breathing huffed throughout the room before leaving through the door towards the duo's left.

Mono and Six quickly followed and at the end of a hallway was a faint purple glow and a small ax waiting, Mono hopped up and snatched the ax and chopped through the door. On the other side was Y/n protecting the music box, Six quickly ran to the other purple door across the room and called out to Y/n who charged forward while Mono dragged his ax and smashed it onto the music box.

Six and Mono reappeared into the dim white room, Mono impulsively started calling out and walking while Six had no choice but to follow, they found a door and the same ax and Mono quickly got to work breaking the door. 


(Alrighty peeps i got this long awaited chapter ( that I arguably postponed because of stuff i desperately needed to) I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I also got the ring i ordered for my brother for anyone who was wonderingly! 

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