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( art done by sketchkrsh on Instagram! Tbh Mono and the Knight would be friends)

As Y/n, Six, and Mono landed on the animal skins and as they all heard loud ripping. "Hey, I recognize this place!" Y/n whispered causing Six to look in slight disgust and Mono to glance but doing nothing as he grabbed your hand and began leafing across the room as Six followed.

Y/n was gazing at the Hunter tearing something apart and seeing skins hanging around him on the wall, seeing him tug at an animal of sorts. As the trio was keeping quiet as possible they noticed a door which was the size of a small dog, as they slivered over quietly they realized they had to push it.

As they were pushing it they fell into the door, as that happened a loud crash appeared and caused the Hunter to look in their direction, as they fell out into a pile of mysterious goop consisting of meat. As the Hunter slammed open the door shooting a shot that missed the small people as they started running, Y/n yelped in fear as she followed Mono and Six that his behind a box that exploded from a gunshot. The trio continued running, dodging behind boxes as the Hunter was firing his shotgun and missing his shots, Y/n's feet getting covered in dirt while her forehead was slightly drenched in sweat.

Mono was the first to land in the small cave made of dirt then Six and then Y/n who almost face planted tumbling backwards, Mono grabbed your hand and Six stood quietly as the Hunter turned on his small lamp placing on the barrels of his shotgun. It was quite intimidating seeing him walk past accompanied by his loud, short, sharp breathing.

But he was your friend right?

As the hunter walked out of view, Mono held your hand and began making you follow like a dog. As the trio began slowly making it through the grass, until crows that were nearby were alerted. As soon as the crows were alerted, causing them to screech, the Hunter snapped his head towards Y/n and her new friends.

He turned away and continued his search as the children trenched through the grass, then he unexpectedly shined his light towards them again. Y/n breathing hitched, stopping any short of moving or noise coming from her, the Hunter looked away. Mono tugged at Y/ns arm with him running and Y/n tagging along quickly while Six was following, until a snap noise came from under Six's feet and the Hunter loading his shotgun and shooting the tree stump. The trio successfully made it into the hole that was waiting for them, Mud splattering on Six's and Y/n's knees.

Mono was the first to say something "So uh, quite the chase huh?" He was trying to brighten the mood but was quickly shut down by Six and her aggressive attitude. Y/n whispering an apology to him for her attitude.  He began walking through the dirty tunnel, literally, after a little bit they made it out to meet a walk way.

They found a bridge ,a broken one to be exact, Mono with his quick thinking began pushing a random lever to raise the bridge for only a short amount of time. Six was eager to cross it by jumping first, with you waiting for Mono to give the 'okay'. He practically read your mind and nodded with you backtracking only a couple feet and running. With Six helping Y/n get up from hanging off the bridge edge Mono was next, With mono being lifted up shortly after jumping. Copying your actions, "So- Oh hey! Look that cage has something in it!" Y/n called out the hanging cage with what looked there was a little yellow hat "Oh, neat" as Mono climbed up the cages to get it. Mono was now jumping on it to snap the rope as the prediction came to be, with him falling with it and him grabbing it. Now they continued with the little interruption that was collecting a hat, they heard the hunter and found his light slightly ahead.

As Six booked with you telling to, and she quotes "Get the fuck back here! my apologies for the language" which Mono giggles at. As Mono grabbed y/n's hand and began running until they met a box to hide behind, and the sound of the Hunters gun completely obliterating the box. Now the trio began climbing a set of planks to use as ladders on the side of a hut and Y/n saying in a hushed voice "MOVE YOR FUCKING ASS!" towards Six and with her replying "IM FUCKIN' GOING!!" as Mono was trying his best not to get shot.

Luckily there was a TV hanging from a cord to cover him as the Hunter shot again and was constantly reloading, as Mono tumbled inside and quickly getting up Y/n was waiting with her hand out ready to catch him in case he fell and Six racing ahead. As the plank under Mono broke, Y/n catches him and quickly pulled him up as the Hunter slammed the door open and began shooting into the ceiling. They raced across the room until they met a  window only to slide down it with Y/n going down quickly meeting Six and Mono hanging on for a short span of time to land in the murking swamp water.

As they heard a door slam open they duck their heads under water and the Hunter searching. He now was walking on the dock and the trio trenching through the disgusting water, and him searching constantly and the three ducking below. They swam until they met a little piece of land with two tree stump, one with a carving of a heart and the other with nothing. They pushed over the log with the heart to cause a distraction as the swam behind it, the Hunter shooting it and the trio swimming under until the Hunter kept going and them climbing up planks.

They began jogging and dropped down to see crows feasting on intestines of some type of animal, the crows flapped away and caused the Hunter to ,of course, shoot at the noise which he only destroyed a box and not the two children that lead ahead with Y/n catching up as fast she could. He then destroyed another box with his bullet instead of hitting his targets.

They rushed inside of another shack as Y/n tumbled in and Six holding the door shut while Mono reach for the larger rifle. Y/n quickly recovering holding the door with Six as the Hunter banged on the door with pleads of agony. Him eventually busting a hole through the door.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE! COME BACK. COME BACK!" Y/n heard him say that being one of the first sentences he said to her, causing something to ache in her body. While Mono and Six held the rifle preparing to aim.


The rifle went off and complete silence, as ringing came through Y/ns ears while the other two got up. Y/n held her hands over her ears in defense, Mono helped her up with six shortly adjusting herself. As he held Y/n's hand she looked at the door that the Hunter was previously seen breaking through, it made her feel something she couldn't exactly place.

Was it guilt or sorrow?

She began walking out through the window with mono following after, they saw Six with something in the sand. They saw a door they could use as a raft and so they did, as they sat down and began sailing the sea Y/n piped up "So.. Uh crazy adventure ey?" With a forced smile causing to get slight chuckle out the two the sat across from each other. As the continued more they saw TVs until they saw slanted buildings, an entire city of them to be exact. As the trio stood up and made it to shore the felt the sand crush underneath their toes, Y/n being distracted by the sites around her and the other two taking a breather by sitting down.

They all wondered what this city had in store for them.

(4 chapter!! This one is just a little bit longer than the usual ones and took longer so I hope you enjoyed this one goodnight/good morning!)

Small Love ( Mono x f!Reader ) (Little Nightmares 2)Where stories live. Discover now