The Trio is together again!

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( art done on Instagram by creepymaster_chan!)

"Its very nice to be freed from that bathroom!" Y/n said with a wide smile, holding Mono's hand as they finished walking on top of planks that connected rooms. "I imagine so, it'd probably stunk" Mono said with care in his tone. "Don't get me started" Y/n said with a fake gag. Six chuckling from Y/n's actions, they stood in a empty room besides a piano and a few file cabinets. "Oh wow!" Y/n exclaimed as she let go of Mono's hand and climbed upon the piano. A few keys rung as Y/n walked along it, Six eventually got on the keyboard and played alongside with Y/n. Mono eventually caved in and took part in poorly playing the piano, after some odd time it was time to stop with Y/n being the last person off.

"It was fun while it lasted." Y/n sighed as Mono began cranking a lever that held the piano upwards, after cranking that for maybe thirty seconds the lever stopped and the piano slammed into the floor. Its exterior was broken but the keyboard part survived. As The trio climbed on it, they began jumping. After a while it came crashing down, panicking the three. They jumped off the piano to discover a locked door, Y/n was on the other side of the room looking at something.

"Hey Mono and Six?" She spoke, trying to get their attention "Yes Hon- I mean Y/n?" Mono stammered as Six slightly chuckled. "There's a girl over here stabbing a frog with a key." Y/n said with slight concern for the girl. "Really? Could I see?" As mono waddled over there to see, through a gated doorway, in fact a porcelain girl stabbing a defenseless frog with a key. "Oh wow, and here I thought you were joking" Six mused, trying to lighten the humor in the room, which caused Y/n to giggle.

"What's she trying to unlock? His soul!? Hes dead lady!" Mono slightly yelled at the oblivious child while Six and Y/n laughed quietly. Mono told Y/n and Six to cause a distraction ,with the piano, while he grabs the key and can make it out in time. Y/n and Six quickly made their way to the piano and began playing it with their feet, causing the girl to stop what she was doing and stare down the two girls. As Mono came from behind and slam her head with a loose pipe small enough to fit his hands, he quickly grabbed he key as Y/n and Six came to lift up the gate for him.

As the trio walked through the door, the noticed a porcelain child oblivious and eyes downward towards the floor. Six began creeping up behind it, while Mono and Y/n watched, She jumped on its back and began slamming its head against the floor and withing seconds it cracked, leaving a lifeless body there. Six loomed over the near found corpse Y/n waddled over there and began to hold Six's hand, as a act if friendship, she began dragging Six towards there next goal as Mono followed behind. Mono was slightly proud of six for getting rid of a annoying student.

They continued with Y/n connecting her hands with Mono's and Six's, the loud sound of a piano being played was playing giving something to someone to listen to. The trio made t together up the stairs and once they reached the only door there, the piano stopped then resumed to playing. Mono began climbing upon the even
Shelf's with the two girls following into a room.

The room consisted of the Teacher, a piano, and other less important things. The trio stood there as the Teacher played a melody, Mono began slowly escalating downwards as Y/n tugged his shoulder, in a hushed whisper "Mono! You can't go down there! You'll get hurt if she sees you!" Y/n warned. "Y/n, I'll be okay, I'll make sure of it." Mono spoke as well in a hushed tone, he then began to hug her as a sign of comfort. She hugged him tight in case that this would be the last time of seeing him, Six also came over and Mono hugged her too but only caused a unfamiliar reaction for her.

Mono crept behind the Teacher as she continued to play, stopping when she stopped and then continuing. Mono made it to a lever and began cranking it, causing a platform for Y/n and Six to cross. They began crossing it very  carefully, stopping and waiting for Mono. He brought over a moveable cabinet and climbed on it back to where his previous position was. He now stood next to Six and Y/n, catching himself in a group hug. They now were opening a stuck hatch, as they flipped it open it made a loud sound ,enough to trigger the Teachers awareness.

Six and Mono were pushing a small metal part as the Teacher nipped at Y/n's feet, Y/n pushing forward with the duo ahead of her. They clearly were running as fast as they could crouched, the Teacher was only a few inches from Y/n she climbed the ladder and followed Mono quickly. Six caught Monk and pulled him in to drop down somewhere. She extended her hand towards your running self, the Teachers head was seconds away from grabbing you, Y/n grabbed her head as she was pulled up and slid down.

Y/n accidently landed on Mono while Six landed only a feet few away. Trying to catch her breathe, she laid on Monk while he was slightly enjoying himself. He thought he was lucky to have such a pretty girl laying in him, Six didn't seem to care as she was stretching her limbs and catching her breathe. The trio eventually began moving, Y/n hand in hand with Mono. They began crossing a rickety row a planks connecting a ravine that separated the city slightly. "I swear if one of you fuckers tell me to not look down" Six warned, the fear in her voice was evident.

Once the trio crossed the ravine, the rain hit them like there was no tomorrow with the trio playing around. Splashing puddles, playing tag, collecting a small black glitch for Mono, it was nice to have some fun. But they continued being tired, they made it into a building that seemed to be a post office, Six shivering from the rain took the bright yellow raincoat on the ground and placed it on her. "Nice Raincoat Six" Mono spoke, as he opened the door into a store. They continued in the rain, Y/n splashing in the puddles along the way.

The trio eventually made it into another building, tired and exhausted "Can we rest here please?" Y/n asked, yawning through her sentence. "I don't see why not" Mono responded with Six nodding. Y/n sat against the wall as Six sat next to her, Mono casually pulled Y/n over towards him and began hugging her shoulder his arm. It felt nice to be cuddled especially by a nice boy, within minutes the trio all fell asleep.

The group felt at peace.

(Okay, to make everyone feel better the Hunter is not dead)


(Also I put in a little coryxkenshin reference in there if you spot let me know 😊)

(Love you!)

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