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As the small trio stood in front of the school like building, that Y/n had only seen in picture books. "Wow" Y/n exclaimed while walking over to a see-saw, "Have you been here or something?" Six questioned eyeing the building. Mono had closed his open fist at the sight if the building, he hated this building and you didn't know that. "No, I haven't but I know how to read and write a bit." Y/n answered confidently, your eyes landed on Mono's fist. "Hey Mono?" His bag crinkled towards you and hummed a response "Are you upset?" Y/n clasped her hands together while Mono sighed and began talking.

"I just real-"

"Really fucking hate this place?" Six had finished his sentence and he didn't seem to mind. "Oh, if you don't mind, why?" Mono took a deep breath as you sat on the see-saw. "The students are so destructive and the teacher that "taught" me is a complete-"

"Bitch?" Six completed his sentence once more

"Oh, I'll believe you" Y/n barked while she walked over. "We can enter through there!" Y/n pointed to a hanging bedsheets, that must have been left by a previous student, coming out of the very high window. "So who wants to go first?" Six asked, questioning the two who had stood waiting. "Hm, I don't know" Mono spoke, thinking of an idea. "Rock, paper, scissors?" Y/n declared with her right hand in a fist on top of her left hand, with a silly smile.

"I don't see why not, seems pretty solid to me" Mono agreed, doing the same as Y/n. "Your both childish." Six shortly followed and the game begun.

Mono chose Paper.
Six chose Scissors.
You had chosen paper.

"Looks like Six won" Y/n clapped while Six rolled her eyes. Mono adjusted his bag causing it to crinkle. "Let's just go." Six began walking over to the tied bedsheets and began climbing it like a book character. "Your climbing the bedsheet like Flynn." Six looked down "Who?"

"Like Flynn Rider, from that one book called Rapunzel?" Y/n said with a shy smile, expressing her interests were not one of her greatest skills. "Oh, thanks for clarification." Six had finished climbing and looked down on the two from the tall window.

"Before we go up I'll be right back" as Mono left towards some dumpsters and shortly came back and nodded  "Your up Mono!" Y/n said she pat his shoulder. He looked her way and hugged her, that caught her by surprise. "Thanks for being so nice to me" Mono stuttered during his sentence. Y/n hugged back, taking it as a token of friendship, and she liked his touch. She had pat his back while he was blushing like crazy, if it wasn't for his bag. Six had called for them and they broke the hug, Mono walked over to bedsheets and began climbing it. Once he was done, Y/n followed climbing it.

The cloth was soft and nice, like Mono's jacket. She looked back at the buildings and slightly smiled at the large city, she finished climbing it and now stood on the hardwood floor. "Wow." Y/n was marveling at the new environment, the walls were lined up with hooks and chests for bigger kids to use and  books that were scattered on the floor. "So this is where you learned shithead?" Six asked with a smug smile in a joking manner as she took a couple steps forward. "Yeah" Mono replied with a hand on his hip while Y/n took his free hand. They began walking down the hallway.

The hallway bright and there was a electrical switch, Mono decided to experiment. He flipped the switch off and the room immediately went dark,  luckily it wasn't so bad. A painting of a woman had its eyes carved out and light poured out of them, "Turn that light back on please." Y/n requested, Mono complied as the light came back with Y/n grabbed a book and threw it towards the painting. It fell with a 'bang' and Six already gotten through with Y/n and Mono following, The room they entered was quite small with a singular chair with a box of tools standing by.

The floor board Mono stood on creaked which had startled him but shortly after he called Six for help, they started jumping on it while you watched. They fell through but it wasn't deep, they crouched down and told you to come down. Now the trio was walking under the floorboard, this continued until they made their exit through a metal vent.

As the trio got out, they heard a scraping metal sound. They also saw a long neck creature from a short distance, they climbed over a fallen locker and traveled cautiously. They made it to the other side of the room and saw some light and a hung bucket, they stood clear of the bucket and continued. Not even tens seconds later something triggered and a bucket came flying at the trio and with them running out of the way. It swung back and forth, Mono took that as a sign to speed up with him tugging  Six's and Your hands. They crawled under a white, long, hanging, object and heard something scattering away.

They crawled through a tight space into a hallway with lockers lining the walls, there were more bucket traps that were quickly set off with Y/n pushing Mono and Six out of the way and falling with them. They were now walking down the hall and Mono accidently activated another trap, a huge locker slammed down on the ground missing him by a inch. "Please be careful!" Y/n warned with Six nodding, they climbed the locker onto another locker into another room,  Mono kept walking and accidently set off another trap. You and Six ducked while with Mono copying their actions. "Gosh I hate this place!" Mono cried

"How many traps are in this god damn place!?" Six huffed with anger, Y/n checking if Mono was all right. "At least we can climb this onto the table." Y/n suggested, and so the plan was put into motion with hearing the patter of a students feet. They followed after it down a hallway, they chased it until Mono and Six saw a hammer and ran towards it together leaving Y/n behind.

In a blink of an eye, the locker flung open and slammed on them with Y/n looking horrified, the student stood on the locker while more of the intimidating looking students surrounded her. "Get away!" Y/n cried putting her fists up, the students weren't phased by this with one of them jumping on her and Y/n fighting back to the best if her abilities. Six and Mono were screaming and banging to be let out. Y/n was getting jumped and dragged, she was kicking and flailing landing some hits on the kids.




A student was dragging you away while the others followed like bodyguards, with the one student jumping off the locker and fleeing with them. Mono and Six pushed the locker off and began sprinting towards the cries of their friend

God dammit I should've been holding her hand!

"C'mon Mono faster!" Six barked, very stressed from the current situation. Mono going faster met with a makeshift ladder going upwards into a room. the pure terrible cries coming from Y/n.



They also heard a very faint


The cry for help was growing more faint, with Mono trying his best to find a way up there while Six was taking her full vocabulary out to play. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" Six shouted in anger, running her hands through her hair. Mono getting more and so much more worried about what they would do to his precious Y/n.

They had to act fast to get her back.

(So sorry for not updating sooner! But I hope you enjoy and please do vote on this chapter I usually hate asking for votes but please do!)

(Love you!)

Small Love ( Mono x f!Reader ) (Little Nightmares 2)Where stories live. Discover now