Plastic Mannequins

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( Art done by ryuujay on Istagram!)

On the other side of the gate was a television, a flashing one. The three clasped their ears in pain as the screeching TV lured Mono towards it. Mono began stumbling as an attempt to reach it, flashing images of bizarre things began appearing as Mono places his hands on the screen. Six and Y/n watched as Mono entered the TV, Six weakly grabbed Y/n's hand as they both stumble their way to help Mono.

As Mono ran towards a giant door with a symbolic eye carved into it, Mono felt as if he was running in slow motion. He felt weightless before he was pulled out, two pair of hands gripping his shoulders. Colliding with the floor as the two girls sat on the floor, Mono rubbing his cheek under his bag as Six stood up and helped Y/n up to her feet. Y/n rubbing her ears in hope to get rid of the ringing, "I-I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to." Mono said with a sad tone, he began fidgeting with his hands. "Its fine Mono, just as long as your okay." Six spoke with slight anger and worry while Y/n nodded.

The doctor watched in intensity as the boy was ripped from the TV, the boy began apologizing to the other two as they got up. The doctor was actually surprised at what just happened, the boy placed his hands on the TV and got sucked into it. "How the hell?" Dr.William asked to himself, he hadn't seen anything like that in quite some time. The security screen portrayed the trio traveling up stairs and discovering they need batteries to continue.

"We need batteries is what your saying?" Six asked, with Mono nodding as Y/n stared into space not paying attention. "Let's go into this room." Y/n spoke, pointing down towards a room. "Sure, I don't see why not." Mono replied, walking towards Y/n and gently grabbing her hand as Six slightly giggled going down the stairs. The room had some type of machine, a desk was sat nearby with multiple photo of bones through an x-ray. "Is that a play room?" Six asked as she walked into it, grabbing one of the stuffed animals and booping it on the nose. "Think so, its nice for a weird hospital."  Y/n answered as she took a seat and began drawing on one of the pieces of paper, Mono watched as the girls took a moment to enjoy their selfs. "Its nice, i mean for relaxing" Mono spat out as he watched over Y/n's shoulder, looking at what she was drawing.

The drawing was off the three friends, Mono, Six, and Y/n all holding hands. All was peaceful in the drawing.

"Should we get going?" Six asked another question, as she shook the teddy in her hand "Yeah let's get going." Y/n spoke as she got up, Mono slipping the drawing into his jacket before folding it up. As they were leaving, Y/n glanced at the desk and at the x-ray photos, on of the photos had a picture of one of the teddies with a key inside of it. "Wait! There's something in one of the stuffed animals!" She exclaimed as she ran back to the room, As she came back with the teddy she asked Six to turn on the x-ray machine just to make sure the key was in there. As six turned on the machine, the teddy and Y/n's bodies phased out and had a faint outline but the fluff and her bones showed. The key was in fact in there, as the screen flickered back to normal Mono gestured the two towards an elevator. The elevator stopped at the floor above the previous one, it turned out to be a furnace room.

"I suppose I throw the teddy in there and we get the key." Y/n assumed as Mono nodded, she threw the teddy in the furnace as Six sat infront of the door. Mono flipped the switch and the once cold space was heated up to flames, burning the teddy. As the hatch opened, Mono stepped in and grabbed the key as his feet became slightly ashy. "There, we have a key, so what's next?" Y/n asked. "I think it's for something downstairs, I did see two other rooms on the top of the stairs." Six answered. As the trio stepped into the elevator and went back down onto the previous floor. The trio walked towards a room with a lock, as the door opened.

The room had arms and legs of mannequins hanging, Y/n grabbed both Mono and Six's hand as they began walking in. The flashlight, Mono held as he lead the group, shined eerily slightly as the dangling fake limbs. They eventually walked into a part of the room with tall shelves with bins of mannequin legs and arms, some had hooks and other weird accessories to them, but as the group made it down the eery hallway they realize they couldn't push open the door.

"Okay, you two have to go on the other side, I'll boost you guys up through the window. Is that cool with you two?" Six asked, gesturing towards the doors window. "Yeah that fine, as long as we don't die that is." Y/n said with a toothy grin for a slight morbid joke, as Six kneeled and boosted Y/n over. Six asked Mono another question.

"You like her don't you?"

"Huh?-" Mono yelped, he didn't expect  her to ask a question like that. Before he could respond Six chuckled and explained that she was just kidding and just wanted to see how he'd react, but immediately winked after. As Mono was sent over, Y/n sighed in relief "Took you forever, nearly fell asleep because of how long it took." Y/n jokingly spoke with a small grin. "Yeah, heh, my bad." Mono said while scratching the nape of his neck.

"DID THAT HAND JUST MOVE!?" Mono screeched, while he was moving a box out of their path a hand on the nearby operating table began moving and crawling around. "I think it did!" Y/n nearly shouted, seeing a detached hand move on its own was scary.

They continued only to be stopped by the crawling hand mere seconds later, the hand was jumping at Y/n and Mono as they climbed upon a small counter. They both dropped down and dashed for some tall claimable cages, the hand moving its long fingers slightly ad it began climbing the ages as well. "GO MONO GO!" Y/n yelled as she pushed him slightly faster in the small vent they were in, only to drop out a few seconds later as the hand to find another way around.

The two decided to take a small break before venturing further.

(Hello lovelies!! I'm sorry I couldn't get this chapter out sooner! But besides that I hope that you enjoyer reading this!)

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