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(Enjoy the link I gave you all, it helps me feel calm and I hope it does for you as well! Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700+ READS THATS MENTAL)

As Mono began walking into the door frame with Y/n and Six following, they saw a clothes for adult man hanging in a broken TV screen with two others hanging from wires. Y/n looked at the sight with disturbance as Six and Mono walked ahead. "Oi! y/n! C'mon" Six called with Mono waving his hand, Y/n hurried over and climbed up and into a street. The street was littered with clothes,shoes, and occasional TVs, Mono grabbed Y/n's hand began walking towards a restaurant. Six now alongside Y/n as they both looked around to see what looked like a Diner, the unsettling thing was the clothing left behind on the seats.

It was like people just evaporated in the wind leaving dirty dishes and their clothing. Their feet pittered and pattered against the cold random color assorted tiles. As they continued walking they entered a room with two doors but they kept going in the direction the trio desired, They saw a vent in the wall and began walking towards it. "Alright I'll boost Mono up and then you" as Six positioned herself, cupping her hands and applying all of body weight on her knee. Mono gestured for Y/n to go first, with Y/n obeying and hoping through and Mono following shortly after. "Wait, are we gonna come back for Six?" Y/n asked, concerned if they were gonna leave her friend. "Oh, no of course not Y/n!, we'll find a way to get her to come with us!' Mono barked, understanding your concern.

Mono notices a dangling wire, and told you to get on his back. With no hesitation, Y/n got on his back like a piggy back ride. As Mono jumped and held onto a wire of sorts, it shot upwards with speed and with Y/n clinging to Mono as he jumped and landed on the floor. Y/n got off of Mono and realized her legs were slightly shaking as Mono held your hand. They both walked over to a TV and pushed it off the ledge it was balancing on, Six being clever stood on the TV they had previously saw when they were boosted up. The TV Six stood on shot up and stopped with Six jumping off and onto the floor above Mono and Y/n.

Y/n dragged Mono by the hand to the flight of stairs, seeing Six holding her hand out to catch one of us. Y/n told Mono to go first since he did most of the work, He then ran and jumped, Six grabbing his hand and pulling him up with ease. Y/n was next and copied what Mono performed, Six repeated the process she did with Mono and pulled you up. The trio began walking up the stairs and made it into a room where a pair of clothes were hanging as if someone hung themselves from the ceiling, it was quite disturbing.

They continued only to stop at a flashing screen.

Mono held his head while traversing over to it while Y/n and Six covered their ears, Y/n yelling from the screeching coming from the cursed TV. Mono placed his hands on the screen that shined flashing white with images that could cause a seizure, next thing you didn't know he was sucked in. Slowly but surely, Y/n made it to the TV and saw Mono running in slow motion towards a mysterious door with a menacing eye. She stuck half of her arms through the screen and tried grabbing Mono, after a few attempts she felt fabric in her hands and tugged at it.

Mono came tumbling out on top of Y/n, very confused and flustered they took a moment to breathe and process holding positions. "H-Hey, what was that buddy?" Y/n asked concerned, putting hand on his shoulder. If he didn't have that bag on she could see the cherry blossom pink forming on his face, from where they were resting with him leaning on her to her hand on his shoulder, "I.. I don't know, honestly Y/n" He tilted his head slightly. Six sat up from holding her ears to see a dark room, she couldn't see where Mono was and that was a relieve for Y/n as she didn't want to be made fun of.

"Y/n? Mono?" Six whispered, cautious that her friends might have left her. "Yes Six?" Y/m responded, "Are you okay?" Six hummed a response. Y/n got up and held her hand out for Mono, he took it graciously, Y/n pulled him into a hug. This took Mono by surprise, he wrapped his arms around y/n in acceptance. As Six spoke about how they should find some light since she didn't favor the dark, Mono and Y/n broke their hug and began holding hands.

As they walked through the darkness they found a window they could climb through, and so they did that. Six jumped down onto a bin full of garbage with more garbage along side it, next came Mono and then Y/n and as soon as possible held hands. They walked over to a fence, one made with metal and another garbage bin to accompany it. The trio began pulling it backwards to make it through a small hole that was conveniently placed, as Six made it through and you shortly following with Mono on your tail. Once they took a look at what they just entered, they marveled at it.

Let's hope nothing bad happens

(Sorry for the late update!)

Small Love ( Mono x f!Reader ) (Little Nightmares 2)Where stories live. Discover now