The Thin Man

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(Art done by Chloe.w56 on Instagram, go follow them!)

You sat silently on the bed while looking around the small room, there were small blocks and children toys scattered on the floor while there was a few drawings hung on the wall. All of the drawings were strange but the strangest one was a man, he had a hat and a fancy suit with grey skin from the coloring of the past child who was here. The man looked strangely familiar, like you've seen him multiple times in the past.

After looking around the room you hear the sound of a faint static screech followed by more of it, You assumed Mono was doing the TV thing again and suddenly got nervous. Fidgeting with your fingers to try and ease yourself as the sound grew more louder. Are Mono and Six okay?

Third POV:

The screen was practically begging Mono to come towards it, he had to cover my ears as he traversed towards it. Clenching the sides of his head as he slowly got closer and closer. Once Mono had reach it he placed his hand against the cold screen while the other stayed on his bag, the screen distorted the picture on it and made it look like a wacky mirror. The picture could be seen as a hallway now.

Mono's body landed on the ground before he lifted my head up to see a hallway and a door with a mysterious eye on it, the same hallway he has been seeing before he gets dragged out by Y/n or Six. He began slowly running towards it like his life depended on it and he didn't know why. When he arrived at the door he was suddenly hit with a wave of uneasiness and anxiety, his stomach growled as he eyed the door before he turned the door handle.

A magenta light filled the room as a tall, thin, lanky man sat and had been looking down at him. Mono began to feel fear as the light began flickering and the man slowly stood up, the room suddenly changed around him as he felt his backside collide with the floor as Six sat next to him. "Mono what the hell did you just do?!" Six asks as she looks back to the TV and jumps with a yelp of fear. Mono looks at the screen to see a small silhouette of the man he just saw. He stares in horror as Six yells at him to get up with her gesturing her arm to follow her, Mono slowly gets up as two big hands place themselves on the opposite side of the screen.

"Mono, C'mon we need to leave now!" She screeched before Mono's body jerked and had coward to the floor with his hands desperately covering  his ears. The room went slightly darker as Six ran off in a desperate attempt to escape leaving Mono by himself. The man from before crawls out of the TV and slowly rose to his feet, Mono realizes whats happening and begins running out of the room.

He sees Six halfway through the room when Mono enters the small hallway, The man bends his torso down to fit through the doorway as his eyes follow the bag boy.

Your POV:

You had gotten off the bed and began playing with the toys on the floor out of boredom, you sat close to the doorway that connected to the hallway. The sound of Six's yelp causes you to stop and slowly get up, a groan escapes you after you accidentally put your body's weight on it. You limped your way to the door frame and peek your head to see Six running towards you, as she stops to explain you then see Mono running away from a tall man. This scares you and causes you to step back, Six takes this opportunity to tell you to hide.

Mono rushes in the room and crawls under the bed as Six quickly followed, you tried following but suddenly the pain in your ankle takes over and you have to limp your way over the small table and hide behind a couple of letter blocks. It barely covered you but you had nothing else or you'd be caught and/or possibly killed.

The room darkens as the thin man stands menacingly in the door frame, you recognize him as the man in the drawing hanging on the wall. You held your breathe as you look over at Six and Mono underneath the bed, You could barely see that Six was covering her mouth and Mono raising a single finger to where his lips would be.

The thin man takes a few steps forward before adjusting his tie, he then begins scanning the room. You sat silently as the flickering of the light eased more stress into you. You shuffle a little bit to make sure you won't make any noise in your previous spot but as soon as that does some items in the room begin moving, rocking side to side a bit but the table and letter blocks move. 

You notice this and try to place them back but a singular letter block knocks onto the ground. The thin man looks over to where your hiding and he can seen your head now, Six notices this and shuffles to Mono and begins shaking him to do something. Mono watches in horror as you crawl backwards halfway towards the bed, you stop and stare at the tall man.

The thin man bends his body and reaches his hand towards you as you can't help but watch as Six darts out from under the bed and Mono covers his ears in pain. A scratchy noise began ringing through the room as the thin man's hand reached closer to you, Six had almost grabbed your hand before you screamed in fear. 



With that being last thing heard from you, you and the thin man were gone. Six fell forward and on her knees as she watched the floor helplessly. As strange glitch like aura surrounded her as a different one laid on the ground. The different aura sat on her knees and disappeared, Six stared at it with sadness and anger. Meanwhile Mono crawled out from under the bed and realized that you were gone with all that remained was the glitch aura that came from you, he glanced at Six and notice the same thing happened to her as a glitch stood next to her.

"Who..Who was that Mono?" Six asked as she snuffed a sob, Mono walked over to her and rubbed her shoulder. "I.. Six I don't know but I promise you, we will get Y/n back, no matter what happens." Mono affirmed, with the girl looking over at him with a sense of hope. "Thank you Mono, I-I appreciate it. A lot" She whispered before engulfing the boy in a hug.

After the hug, the duo began walking out of the and down the hall towards the television sitting alone. The duo placed both of their hands onto the screen as strange white particles circled around them. They were sucked into the TV.

(ALRIGHTY! Here is your chapter and I hope you liked it! and please let me know what you think!)

(ALSO! The reason I haven't been updating a lot is because of school, there is a lot of work and stress that it brings to me so i hope you understand! Until then Bye Bye!)

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