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(art done above by everestsquid on Instagram!)

"C'mon Six! Just hold onto me!" Mono demanded. The two were at another clothes hanger just about to cross it, when Six accidentally looked down and saw the huge height difference between the other buildings and got scared. "Just don't let go of me okay!" Six cried as she hung on for dear life when Mono slid down the clothes hanger.

The two then saw people on the edge of the roof they had landed on. As they slower walked past the tall people they jumped one by one, Mono looked up to what they seemed to be staring at and it was the tower. Its signal was beaming with a white light as the clouds conveniently flew out of its way. The large buildings seem to make it more menacing as they were slightly bent.

"Six, Look." Mono said as he pointed towards the tower. Six looked over and saw the same thing he did, "Do you think Y/n is in there? With that.. man?" She asked with a weary but somber tone. "I know she's in there, she has to be in there. Otherwise where else would she be at?" Mono questioned, seeming  confident with there wasn't any other answer. Six sighed before she began speaking "I believe you Mono, just as long as she's okay."


The duo traversed through another TV when they heard a door handle rattle. They figured out they had to electrify a poor man. Once they finished doing that they found an elevator, Mono had teleport into the elevator with Six and ventured into a bathroom with water all over the floor and sparks coming from a mysterious wire. They eventually killed a distorted woman with electricity and continued.

The duo made it outside to see a large group of distorted people staring at a white light with a strange voice coming from it, Mono took a second to look at it before Six had to drag him away. The rain was getting worse as it seeped from the ceiling and into a building that Mono and Six quickly figured out and left upstairs through a TV.  When the two hopped out the window, there were many distorted people around. A terrifying amount of people.

"C'mon Six, If we just stay quiet we can get pass them easy peasy." He said with a little giggle as he cautiously jumped down. Six followed as Mono tricked a couple to look at a different TV,  but when the two passed through the TV the weak looking fence fell down as the terrifying individuals came through.

When Mono and Six came through the TV, its screen broke as the couple who were just outside started to bang on the glass to try and get to them. Six bolted away immediately while Mono barely could catch up with her, "C'mon Mono!! Don't slow down now! We're so close!" Six had shouted as she touched the TV screen with one of her hands as the other leaned out to grab Mono's hand. There had been a swarm of people behind Mono that were only a few feet from him, Mono quickly grabbed Six's hand and had teleport to a new room.

Mono and Six quickly moved through the room to find a TV all by it self in the corner, Mono had sighed and headed straight for the door. "WAIT MONO!!" Mono turned his head toward Six to see her staring at the TV with her finger pointed at it, "ITS Y/N!" She shouted as the silhouette of your body could be seen reaching out toward the two. Mono was bewildered when he saw you at the screen.

He quickly rushed over to the TV with Six following him, it was glitching, you began banging on the TV screen along with whimpers and cries. Mono reached his hands out towards yours, firmly grasping them with all of his might as your hands did the same. You were being slowly pulled out as you said "Mono!" before you were quickly dragged back in by a big hand, Mono had fallen onto the floor as he watched helplessly. 

Small Love ( Mono x f!Reader ) (Little Nightmares 2)Where stories live. Discover now