The Doctor

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(Art made by higueo on Instagram!)

(ALSO! I have a question for you all! If I made a squid game guard x reader reader would you read it? I might add some spicy scenes in it if requested)

"So.. Got any embarrassing stories to tell?" Mono asked, Six finally ripped of the last plank on the door as she looked back at him. "Well.. I do have one." Six sighed, as she sat down next to the unconscious Y/n. "Before I met Y/n and you, I spent my time going through random parts of that forest area back at the Hunter's house." Six coughed before continuing "One day I saw some little gray guys run around in, I decided to join them in the randomness and ended up getting hung by my feet." She laughed.

After a few stories were passed around by the two, Y/n began to stir awake. Everything was a slight blur for her, the ringing in her ears were silent as Mono began rubbing her shoulder in an attempt to get her attention. After a few minutes the group began moving again, Y/n constantly telling that she was okay and didn't need any help with hearing or seeing. When the group entered the previously planked up room they saw disturbing masks of suppose faces.

"What the hell?" Six asked, looking up at the realistic ugly facial masks. "Let's get going before I throw up." Mono suggested as they kept walking, the group heard heavy breathing and banging as they saw the shelf's of towels moving. Mono raised a finger to his paper bag, in front of where his mouth would be and grasped Y/n's hand as Six grasped her other hand. When they crouched under the shelf they saw a horrible monster.

Its face drooping and mouth hung open with a droopy chin, it was crawling on the ceiling. As it ran away, the trio began to slowly adventure more. As they moved across the room the creature came back, its ragged breathy got louder as it came closer. Y/n, Six, and Mono slid through the small hatch as quickly as they could in the wall into a room with multiple beds. Crouch walking under the beds, the suppose doctor came through the door and began inspecting the 'patients'. "Stay here, I'll go get something to throw at the button!" Mono whispered pointing at the gated door. As Mono began moving to where the Doctor was working, Six and Y/n waited by the door.

Mono quickly grabbed the toy block and began crouching faster as the adrenaline began to rise. Mono quickly threw the toy at the button and began to drag Six and Y/n under a small rack of towels, a loud alarm rung alerting the doctor. The loud patter of feet and hands began and the Doctor went through the door and began crawling into the ceiling. Taking cautious steps, the trio walked in and discovered the Doctor was no longer there. They climbed up on the tall towers of cabinets into a vent.

"What was that thing??" Six asked as Mono slowly began walking, but suddenly the Doctor began crawling on the ceiling under them. "I don't know! That could be a diabolical Doctor who eats people!" Y/n joked. As the trio began walking faster they got into a more spacious room, they got down and looked around to find locked door.

"Through here!" Six pointed at one of the empty doors for the dead bodies, Mono and Y/n crawled in and Six began pushing it back. Mono and Y/n found an empty room filled with dead bodies wrapped up in a sheet. "There's the key!" Y/n said as she pointed towards the top of a glass cabinet.

After a few minutes of hopeless tries, Mono finally got it. "C'mon let's get going." Y/n said as she began walking back. Six pulled it back as Mono and Y/n climb out of the small space, "I assume you got a key." Six spoke while the trio walked over to the locked door. As Mono and Six shoved the door open, they discover more bodies waiting to be put away. "Up here." Y/n suggested as she began climbing the filing cabinets, after jumping and crawling through vents they made it to another room.

"Guys Shh!!" Mono whispered as the trio heard the loud rustling of the Doctor, "C'mon, be quiet" Six whispered as she walked quickly towards the small opening next to the door, as the Doctor moved around do did the trio. Hiding under tables and such to hide from the violent monster.

As Mono pushed into a small gap in the wall, he discovered a torso lying helplessly. Mono quickly rushed over to the makeshift ladder to fall on the lever, as he did Six and Y/n stood back and waited under the table. Mono fell down and gripped the handle with ease as the torso began flailing, the Doctor quickly rushed in helping the poor soul. Mono ran quickly towards the spot where the Doctor had previously been to discover a battery. He grabbed it and began racing towards Y/n and Six.

Mono shoved the battery in the slot as a siren began blaring, the Doctor began chasing the trio as they ran for their life's. The Doctor  was gaining on them as he pushed shelves over, Six was ahead of Y/n and Mono as began crouching under a line of beds. The beds began collapsing as the doctor laid against them in a rage, breathing heavy and raspy in desperation to catch the trio. As Mono and Y/n got out they saw Six run and open the incinerator door. Y/n jumped in and began running to the back of it as the Doctor crawled in, Y/n exiting quickly and shutting it behind her. "Through that gate!" Y/n shouted "But what about-"


Mono shuffled away from the incinerator as Six pulled Y/n to pull the lever to the gate. The elevator opened and the trio got inside, as the elevator went up so did the upsetting atmosphere. The elevator stopped and the trio walked out, walking more they discover a room filled with lifeless torsos. "Through here." Six said as she pushed the door open, the trio went in and opened the window to the outside world.

The rain seemed comforting as the trio walked together, hands in hands. As they walked into the streets some bodies fell from roofs of buildings, the tiro walked to the top of a buildings stairs they enter a room as a person fell through the roof of the building. The person raced to the other side of the room as they stuck their fave through a TV screen.

"Can we rest? Please?" Y/n asked

Six took the liberty to sit down and relax as Mono nodded. Y/n stretched before sitting next to a fast asleep Six and a very awake Mono. "Goodnight Mono." Y/n yawned, resting her head on Mono's shoulder. "But its still daylight." Mono replied as Y/n fell asleep.

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