The Happy End

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(Art done above by chloe.w56 on Instagram)

(F/F) = Favor flavor

Once you stepped out of the television, your two friends immediately tackled you into a hug. They nuzzled their heads into your shoulders, it was oddly nice. "I missed you two" You said with a slight chuckled as you tried to wrap your arms around them. "It's so nice to finally have you back!" Six cheered as she had let you go and hopped up and down, Mono still held onto you.

"How did you become so.. tall and.. angry in there, if you feel comfortable enough to tell us?" Six Mono reluctantly asked as Six nodded her head, it took you a couple of seconds to wrap your head around the question before replying flatly "I guess that thin guy from the T.V  did some weird magic stuff on me and I turned into some giant monster." It kind of shocked them they way you said it so nonchalantly.

"So.." Six said while looking between the two of you, Mono scratched the back of his head. "Are you two dating now?" She asked with a curious tone while folding her arms, you laughed loudly as Mono's face looked like it was painted in red. "Only if Mono wants to, personally I love him very much" You whispered the last part to Six who giggled while Mono could only guess what you said.

"R-Really? Are you being serious Y/n?" Mono stammered in a manner that seemed similar to a happy dog, it was adorable. "Yes Mono, i'm serious" You replied with a smile, the same smile that made him fall in love with you. Mono quickly walked up to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, he was so unbearably sweet he was as if sugar was a person. Six clapped happily as she watched.

"Yay! You two are finally together!" Six cheered as Mono took your hand into his, you felt a tingly sensation spread throughout your body as your cheeks flushed red. "Well if it weren't for meeting Y/n, none of this would be happening." Mono said as he flashed a small smile, you then felt a strange ache in your senses. It was similar to a hunters senses.

"Hey guys? I kind of feel weird.." You said before you collapsed.


Mono watched as you fell to the floor after you said those words. He panicked as he asked Six to come help him get you into a more comfortable position on the bed in the nearby room. Six, who wasn't very strong, decided to hold up your legs while Mono who had his arms under your armpits began dragging you to the abandoned child's bedroom. It was slightly difficult to get you on the bed but they managed to do so, you were propped up against the pillow as Six and Mono took a spot next to you.

"Wonder why she passed out?" Six said breaking the comfortable silence they were in. "Beats me, but if Y/n is still okay after she wakes up then I don't care." Mono responded with a carefree attitude that was unexpected from him, maybe all of the pent up stress disappeared once he saved you. Mono hummed satisfied groan as he leaned more into the pillow, Six giggled as she stared at your sleeping face as you said absolute nonsense in your sleep.

You stirred in you sleep as the two next to you waited patiently for your awakening, while Mono was staring off into the open space in front of him he hadn't noticed you cuddling him. Your arm wrapped around the midsection of his torso as your head found its spot right on his chest, once he noticed he immediately started blushing. 

Six noticed this and began to 'awhh' at the sight, she quietly clapped her hands as Mono looked at her with a 'Stop embarrassing me!' look.  You stirred in your sleep as the two were quietly conversing. You were having a dream.

The dream was nice, nothing bad was happening. You were sitting next to the Hunter with Six and Mono, the Hunter had placed a plate in front you and the other two. He then placed a wonderful piece of cake in front of you, (F/f) cake, it looked absolutely delicious with its lovely filling of (F/f) cream. The Hunter placed both a napkin and a fork by your plate. You began to dig in.

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