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( A window with rain :> )

Y/n was still getting dragged by the intimidating students, trying her best to get away and crying out. It was hard to keep a fight to survive in this school, to keep her pride still going but she eventually gave up.

The students were holding her up by her arms while some students walked in front of them, protectively, Y/n tried one last time to shout out. Y/n screamed as loud as she could, sending students to cover their porcelain ears. After a minute or so, a male student covered her mouth with his hand.

Y/n began muffling screams and curse words, but eventually stopped since it was useless. The students that carried her made her start walking since she was making their arms heavy, "She gots a mouth don't ya think?" The male student that covered Y/n's mouth. "Should we get some tape?" He asked the students nearby with them either nodding or just not responding.

"Okay fine, I'll shut up" Y/n pouted, having the situation against her. They continued walking until they made it to a restroom of sorts. Getting sketch vibes, Y/n kept quiet while rubbing her pointer finger and thumb together in a way to cope.

"Get the spare rope" The male student spoke, popping his porcelain knuckles  "Uh, what's gonna happen to me?" Y/n stuttered slightly, confused and worried.

What's gonna happen to me?
I hope Mono and Six are okay, at least they didn't get hurt.

I'm glad it was Me.

As one of the students grabbed spare rope and begin tying it to Y/n's ankle, Y/n asked a good question. "What's that for, and what the hell is your name?" The Male student answered both questions. "That rope is for you to stay put, and my name is Marshal." She nodded and kicked her foot, disliking the feeling of rope. Next thing you knew you were sent into the air, pulled up by the end of the rope and tied to some planks on a bathroom stall.


Y/n yelped as she dangled from the roof, the rope pulling aggressively on her foot. "Why are you screaming?" Marshal asked, acting dumb with Y/n dumbfounded. "Really?" Y/n crossed her arms upside down, "I'm just messing with you." Marshal chuckled.
All of the students that were once in there left,

The two began talking about random things like Books, students, and work.
"The kids here are crazy, they are always fighting can't go one minute."
Marshal complained, his hand holding his face. "Yeah I saw that when I was with Mono and Six." Marshal raised his head at the names "You know Mono?" He balled one of his fists. "Yeah, Do you? Because it seems like you do and you look upset."

"Yeah I know that nerd, he was so easy to negotiate with. He always did my homework just because I bullied him into it" Y/n was slightly shocked, why would he do that? So she asked that question "Why did you do that to him?!" She slightly raised her voice, defending him the best she could from her height.

"It was just one thing, besides this other bitch used to tug at his hair or steal his shoes." No wonder why he didn't wear shoes, they would get stolen. "Why would she do that too??" He just shrugged "Beats me, hell that bag boy still owes me good grades, but not a chance in hell he'll do that since he ran away but I guess he's back now." He said with a smile leaning against on the wall across from Y/n  its quite nice seeing a new face for Marshal but for Y/n this was scary.

She's in a new environment with no further knowledge except from Mono, the students we're quite the brawlers and in no way did they regret it. They seemed like good students but they weren't, it was quite impressive how they haven't gotten caught.

As Y/n hung from the ceiling talking to Marshal, it was the only thing she could do. Her head feeling heavy and her fingers feeling numb, blinking very occasionally just wanting this to be over. "Cool if I leave?" Marshal asks, only a few feet away from the doorway. "I don't really care" Y/n replied placing a hand on her head.

"Alright then, goodbye...what's your name?"

Y/n sighed, "Its Y/n, nothing special" Yawning after. "Heh, nice" and with that the sound of shoes walking away began. With Y/n slowly closing her eyes, to tired to stay awake.

"Let's hope this is over soon" Y/n speaking to herself.


Small Love ( Mono x f!Reader ) (Little Nightmares 2)Where stories live. Discover now