The Tower

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(Art above done by aurnt0 on Instagram)

Mono and Six hadn't noticed but their bodies seem to have teleport in front of a giant door, in front of the Tower. When Mono looked up from his hunched position his heart had begun beating rapidly, "Hey Six? Look" Mono said while pointing towards the tower. Six looked up and immediately had a face of discomfort, her mouth turned a frown and her eyebrows furrowed.

"We're gonna get Y/n back, right Mono?" Six asked as she turned her head towards him, Mono had straighten his posture and hadn't said anything. Six said his name once more and He looked at her before he sighed, "We'll get her back, even if its the last thing I'll do." He stated before the door opened and emitted a purplish light, the two looked at each other before moving towards it.  

Y/n's POV

Your body was back to the disturbing mess from before after you tried to escape from a TV, but you had failed. You felt more agitated and stressed since the Thin Man stopped showing up, he hadn't showed up in what felt like days. What happened to him? What happened to Mono and Six!? You felt sad now thinking about your friends and how they could possibly be gone, then something from afar started producing a small melody. You stopped moping and began looking for the source of the familiar melody, it was almost enchanting.

Your legs carried you for a while until you found yourself in a room full of toys and stuffed teddy bears. There was also empty plates and a couple of potato sacks, there was also a layer of dust on everything. The most noticeable thing in the room was a music box.

It was the same music box that was at the Hunter's home in the basement, where he kept you. You walked up to the music box as the enchanting melody kept playing, you sat down next to the box but it had stopped playing. You huffed a irritated sigh before cranking the music box to continue playing, you were hopping that all of this would be over soon.

Third Person POV:

Mono and Six were walking down a hallway that Mono recognized with its familiar door that had a eye in its center. This time Mono had the chance to actually open the door, it was a room with multiple doors and floating objects. A door with a violet glow urged Mono to come closer and once he did it switched positions to only his right.

Once him and Six went through, they teleported to the bottom of a stair case. "What the hell is this place?!" Six huffed as she got up, Mono had began walking up the stairs, the two began hearing a familiar melody playing all throughout the building.

"Six.. Do you recognize this melody?" Mono asked as he brought Six into another violet door, only to find another one waiting. "I-I think so.. I think its the music box from that Hunter guy's basement." The melody was similar to girl, she remembers cranking the handle to create the tune.

"Maybe if we follow it, we can find Y/n!" Mono stated with slight giddy and he runs into anther violet door. Six quickly follows, she finds herself in another hallway. "Six, through here!" Mono says as he runs into the half bent door and into another small hallway, following the music.

"Slow down Mono!!" Six yells as she tries to catch up to him, when she does she find him in a room with filling cabinets. "Hey! Slow..down next..time.. Asshole!" Six cussed which made Mono dramatically gasp and pose.

"How dare you call me that! Such terrible language.." Mono said in a British accent that cause someone to giggle, that giggle frightened the two and caused them to go quiet. "Did that sound like..?" Six questions but Mono quickly answers "Yes, that's her!"

The two quickly go through rooms without much trouble, the haunting melody began playing a little bit louder each time they got closer. They went up through stairs and multiple hallways containing doors and rubble of dirt and concrete.

The two made it through the last staircase and into a hallway buzzing with that melody, the two saw a partially closed door and walked up to it.

What they didn't know is that someone was on the other side.


(He he! Cliffhanger! But a new update after this will be soon (if soon is a boring amount of time for y'all) and were edging close to seeing our lovely Y/n! But I hoped you all enjoyed reading this chapter! Till next time seeya!)

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