Adventuring through Hell

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Mono and Six were walking a couple feet in the hallways that were once occupied by strange students, Keeping close to each other in case any of the students jump out. Worrying about their poor friend, Mono noticed the hammer that was placed earlier when Y/n was still around and grabbed the wooden handle firmly. A oblivious student peeking through a door stood in front of the duo, when Mono slammed the head of the hammer into its skull. Chipped pieces flew and the student fell with a thud, Six glad to see Mono destroy the ugly porcelain child. The duo walked through the doorway to see desks toppled on to each other with a few books in between crevices, Mono took note of a slightly raised wood plank on the floor and Immediately told Six to stay. He ran over and activated the trap, a bucket flew from the ceiling and destroyed another oblivious student causing her to look like a broken vase.

Six, being a couple feet ahead of Mono, told him to hurry up as she climbed on top of a stool and climbed through a broken door with a window. Mono following, entering a hallway they both seen about ten times lined with lockers, they continued. Six and Mono glancing at the Elevator, "They didn't have that when I was here." Mono stated, looking at the key hole required for it to work. "Maybe there's a key somewhere, maybe even in that classroom." Six replied nonchalantly, Mono crinkled his bag lower onto his head for he knew he would have to run. "Six, no matter what stay behind me when we go in there." Mono warned "My old teacher is in there and she is not fun to deal with." Six nodded, understanding that his teacher was, what she had said earlier, a bitch.

They crouched as they traveled slowly across the room with Six glancing to see the chalk board. She saw big bold letters saying "Ms. Harper"  along with other nonsense like complicated math problems. The duo made it into what seems to be storage closet, "Hey Mono, what's your old teacher's first name?" Mono slightly confused said "Madison, why are you asking though?" Six with a shake of her head responded "An old friend had a mom with her name" Mono looked around the room to find anything useful until his eyes laid upon a key high on a bookcase. Mono began climbing the bookcase but half way through the bookcase began to fall over, and Mono panicking quickly hopped off and landed on the floor as well as the bookcase with a thud. Hearing a slight screech, Six runs over to a empty cabinet drawer and climbed into it while Mono runs into a empty box with books of a colors on them.

A Slim female teacher with short brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a long skirt with a bottom up shirt. She stood against the door as her neck begins to extend and slither like a snake. Disturbing Mono and Six as  stayed hiding in there spots not moving a muscle, the head of the woman looking around before bringing her neck back to where it previously was. As the duo heard her clunky footsteps travel away Mono came out and whispered to Six to come out, the coast was clear. Mono walked towards the key that previously fell and landed only a few feet away. He grabbed it and signaled for Six to follow him, as they slid out of the door Ms. Harper began walking around with a ruler behind her back.

As the duo traversed carefully, the teacher would slap her ruler against a students desk or check what the student was doing. That giving Mono and Six a chance to further escape the classroom, hiding under or in between little nooks. Once they made it to the doorframe they entered in previously, Mono accidently tripped on a book and landed with a loud thud causing the teacher to screech and the students to jump out of there seats and run towards them. Six grabbed Mono's arm and lifted him up as students chased after them, the key Mono held was stabbed into the elevator key hole. With a press of a button the double doors opened with Six rushing and Mono following quickly, slamming the arrow on the side of the doors. The students banged on the doors as the elevator as the elevator raised upwards.

"So THAT was your old teacher?" Six asked huffing for air as she was out of it. "Ha, yeah she is scary as hell." Mono crinkled his bag looking at Six. The floor stopped as the doors opened and the room was lit from a small window. They walked into the room to their left and saw a student with a pointy paper hat scribbling random stuff on the floor while being hooked up by a leash of sorts. As Six looked at the kid she blurted out quickly  "Let's just leave him." Mono looked at her like as if she was replaced by an alien clone. "Huh?" Mono said with a hushed voice "Shouldn't we just get over it and smash his head?" Six shook her head "No" as she told him to get the pipe and break the door while she distracted him, with a weak sigh, Mono nodded as he walked passed quietly. "Hey dumbass!" Six shouted causing the tied boy to look up and run towards the girl, she was far even for him not to grab her and he fell backwards and Mono grabbed the pipe and began breaking the door like Six commanded. He broke trough in no time and gestured for her to hurry, she raced after him as the student fell again.

The room they entered was small but it had a work desk that could be easily climbed. As the duo entered the vents they heard strange almost spanking noise, they being going towards it. But Mono fell forward and two bottles fell from where the duo stood and a screech could be heard. Mono immediately took Six to the nearest hiding spot and climbed in, as the head of Ms. Harper rose upwards and glanced quickly. She lowered her neck and continued working on whatever she was doing, Mono continued with Six following but stopped with a glass jar stood in the way. Mono very carefully picked it up and brought with him until it hit something and made a Clink! Scaring Sox and alerting Ms. Harper. Mono grabbed Six's hand and found a hiding spot once more and his ad Ms. Harper rose her neck to check one more time. She lowered her neck once more and ignored the noise, Six and Mono climbed onto the dangling cloth rope and was placed onto another plank and began traversing quietly. Until Mono had to push a plank to continue, He pushed it and ran with Six to hide which they thankfully found a hiding spot in time. She lowered her neck once more and the duo made it to another thing of vents. Once they got out they found of they were in a library.

Ms. Harper's clunky footsteps could be heard as she walked along the bookshelves and quickly left. There was a conveniently placed ladder along a bookshelf and Mono pushed it a little bit and began climbing ,only to come back down with a metal hat. "Really? Your getting a poorly made hat?" Six barked as she placed a hand on her hip "Uh yeah? What else would I be getting up there?" Mono replied tilting his head a bit. "Unbelievable" Six quickly said before moving the ladder more and began climbing upwards with Mono following. They both jumped onto a smaller book shelf causing a book to fall off and make a loud Thud! Making  Ms. Harper grow quiet. The small duo walked further only to have Ms. Harper's head but through a row of book and chomp at them, luckily she was too slow and Mono slid through a part of a bookshelf with Six copying him. They crouch walked to the other side of the bookshelf making a bad discovery, One of them had to go first or they would both be risked being eaten. "I'll go first" Mono declared "Just wait here." As Mono hopped onto a large stack of books and began making his was through them, as he finished getting to the top of the stack he jumped onto another stack of books causing some books at the very top to fall down. With that Ms. Harper was alerted and made her neck slither over there, she observed the tower as Mono had to shift from side to side. As her neck slithered back to where it was suppose to be as Mono signaled Six to come over. Once she made it the snake neck teacher left the room, leaving with clunky steps.

The duo entered yet again another room without dragging a box with them to reach the doorknob. They followed slowly behind the teacher as they made it a flight of stairs dividing off into two separate ones, they walked forward and realized they needed another key they walked up the flight of stairs and chose to turn right. They walked to the end of the hall to find a broken white chess piece, Mono placing the broken piece that laid on the floor on top of the standing one and combined them as one.

As Mono opened the door the room was dark with Six beside him. What could be in this room?



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