Y/n and Thin Man

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(Art made by _sonderust_ on Instagram!)

"What could possibly want to talk to me about!?" You yelled as you eyed the man walked a few feet towards you. "What's wrong Y/n? You don't like your new form?" He asked as he adjusted his tie. "Of course not! I want to change back! I just want Mono and Six to find me and get me out of this place!" You yelled as you turned away from him, He sighed as he came up to you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"But don't you like this place?" He asked as he took a moment to glance around, you also took a second and remembered the Hunter and his nifty house. You remembered the basement and how the Hunter would bring you food and make sure you weren't hurt, it was almost.. sad. "I.. What are you trying to get at?" you ask with the thin man chuckles. "Don't you see where you are?"

You nod and swallow the lump in your throat, why was he bringing the Hunter into all of this? "This is the Hunter's lovely home or should I say Samson's lovely home." You tilt your head before the quick realization kicks in, this 'Samson" was the Hunter. "Hurry up and get to the point, and leave the Hunter out of this!" You demand as the Thin man huffs an irritated sigh.

"Do you remember your memories with Mono and Six?" He asks, you nod recalling the moment when Mono found you and Six, traversing through the city and the school only for you to get kidnapped by some weird guy named Marshal. It seemed like it all happened yesterday. "Yeah? So what?" You ask.

"Wouldn't it be easier just to stay here and live your life as Samson's daughter? Peacefully? with no monsters out to get you like that teacher or that scary boy named Marshal?" Your mind stutters for a second, How did he know Marshal? with that you ask "How do you know.. Wait how do you know any of this?!" You yell again, this wasn't making any sense on why your body is different and how he knows all these things.

He chuckled before briefly explaining he had "eyes all over the city" which didn't make it more clear but it'd have to do. You were too confused to actually question if anything this man was saying was actually true, he could be guessing for all you know. "Why am I even here in this twisted place!" The thin man chuckles "Hon this was the place you met Mono, and that putrid girl.."

"What do you mean by that? Of course I know this is the place I met Mono-" Then it had hit you like a brick, was this man.. Mono? That would probably explain why he knows about Six and Marshal, besides the wholes 'eyes all over the city'.

"Wait are you.." Your voice barely could be heard. "You finally realized? I thought it would take longer. But you now know and that's good." He smirked. 


I'm so sorry if this isn't the best chapter I'm not quite motivated and I can't get sleep so my apologies, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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