As They continued...

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As Mono opened the door, the duo walked in to see, to their left, a chess board. One of the only pieces on the board had the body of a student tied to it.

The room was weirdly calming, no loud sounds, only moonlight to illuminate the room. Only a couple feet away hung a map with a very almost demonic eye was drawn on it. "The hell..?" Mono raised a eyebrow only to discover, when he hung on it and let go, the placement the pieces they were suppose to be in. "So, now your going to put those a pieces in that order?" Six asked with a Mono nodding.

He began moving with efficiency, having to grab higher up pieces, like the queen price, He began to move the slightly onto place. "Six!" Mono called "Yeah?" A voice could be heard "Pull that lever! After that Six came up and brought down the lever, causing the bookshelf to suddenly open. Mono ,with six behind, slowly walked in to grab a key. They walked back, but not before Mono went up the other flight of stairs to get something. After that the duo went back to the locked door and unlocked it.

Mono and Six entered a white tiled room. With garbage in a corner along side plates Mono knew where he was. " Oh god dammit!" He slightly raised his voice. "What? Isn't there like a lunch room or something up ahead?" The girl beside him asked "Yeah.." The boy replied before figuring out to move a movable cart that was tall enough to reach a little metal hole. They climbed through to discover they were in a kitchen but after taking a few steps there was a student drawing with the sauce. Mono told six to wait here as he climbed over and grabbed a ladle.

Mono smashed the students head as more came closer, he slammed their heads down but one head had popped off unharmed. Mono realized if he was going to get through he needed to wear a head like that. Six climbed over and looked at the porcelain pieces "Nice job." She complimented "Six look away for a second." He asked, sternly enough to sound like a child and slightly an adult. "Okay..?" She turned her body away from Mono as he did a hat switch with the porcelain head. Six looked back and immediately wanted to look away, "Ta da?" Mono said with slight enthusiasm, the head did not look good on him. "Okay, but how am I gonna get across without getting jumped?" Mono stood with confusion, he understood that. "Hold on," he said before luring in a student and holding them in a headlock "Alright pull its body by the legs!" Mono called with with the student kicking and thrashing.

As the duo walked in they  tread with ease as the students around them aced like wild animals. Slamming, punching, yelling, anything they can do before getting in trouble. Mono and Six were shoved a couple times, the kids were throwing and breaking plates with food being tossed. The duo slid underneath a table and went through there before stopping at the  exit of the table. Six was about to go ahead before getting stop by a pit that fell off the table, it made a loud noise but no one seemed to care. The duo continued down a hallway with the sound of kids singing, shoving, fighting, and screaming. Six was pushed through a small broken spot a door with Mono crawling in, landing hard enough to break the head he was wearing with Six taking hers off. "Now that was weird." Six said, alarmed about how chaotic the students were. "There's worst." Mono commented before climbing up a drawer.

They began climbing upwards BG walking along planks and hanging from rope. Mono kicked down a jar with a brain in it and Six grabbing it, throwing it at the tall button causing the door to open. Mono followed quickly after Six as he heard clunky footsteps. The teacher was walking around preparing things as she left the room, perfect opportunity to continue as the duo did. The duo continued as they ventured along side , disturbing her once or twice.

They mad fit out of the room and into a vent towards another room. Mono now held a hammer destroying students that came toward him and Six. He was destroying them like there was no tomorrow. They made it to a restroom but not before a bucket swung down trying to hide whatever was inside.


The two students by the plank of wood that held her up. Mono angry and Six disturbed, the hammer that Mono held seemed lighter as he ran up and smashed the students head in, the other one scared tried calling someone. "Marshal!" Was all that was heard from the student before getting its head smashed in. "Six go hit that plank with the hammer, I'll catch Y/n" Six chuckled doing as she was told.

Y/n came down with a Thud! She seemed as though she wasn't awake, Mono held her as he shook her shoulders. Y/n's eyes blinked open to see her beloved friends, she was over the brink of happiness when she saw the two. She began hugging them tightly, a sort of "Thank you". " I didn't know if I was going to survive up there!" Y/n went on about how the blood was rushing to her head and how mean the students were.

She began hugging them again, Mono seeming to like it a lot more than Six. When Six looked at the window, Y/n kissed the bag boy on the cheek with him blushing as red as a beat. It was like a 'dream come true' thing for Mono.

(Goodnight y'all!)

Small Love ( Mono x f!Reader ) (Little Nightmares 2)Where stories live. Discover now