Creepy Hands

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(Art above done by lamb.goes.baaaaa on Instagram!)

As Mono and Y/n began walking further, taking in their surroundings, they eventually walked into a disturbing looking room. Mannequin parts were hung around the room. Various hands, hooks, and legs were everywhere.

Mono ,being anxious, quickly took Y/n's hand and began treading carefully through the freak show that was of the room using the flashlight that somehow worked. Mono was almost half way through the room until the hand came back expectantly, Y/n and Mono went different directions to avoid the hand. Climbing up the counter with panic, Y/n barely managed to avoid the five fingered creature. "Why the hell is the hand alive??" Y/n asked with a raspy tone, tired and out of breathe. "I- honestly don't know," Mono spoke, He climbed over the shelf and began moving as you followed only to be met with the hand again.

"Mono grab the battery!" Y/n yelled as she grabbed the hammer, the hand jumping and flying through the air as Y/n dodged and maneuvered. Mono climbed up the desk and grabbed the waiting battery, "Behind you!" Mono yelled, Y/n glanced behind her and swung the hammer hard upon the hand. The hand scampered away, but not for long, as it tried to strike again only to be struck once more knocking it dead.

"Good job! You really kicked ass!" Mono congratulated Y/n with a slight shoulder hug, with Y/n huffing out a quick 'thanks'. Mono threw the battery at the window making it shatter, "Be careful, don't get glass in your feet." Y/n cautiously spoke, the duo went through and noticed something or someone was missing. "Six? You around here?" Y/n called out only to see towards their left, Six on the ground messing with a mannequin arm.

Cracking sounds can be heard from it as she snapped the fingers out of place slowly. Eventually after a long second she got up and began walking towards the two, "Oh hey, I see you've got the battery." Six spoke with a slight tired tone as Mono nodded and he began walking back to the elevator, Y/n grabbed Six's hand and began following Mono.

As Mono plunged the battery into one of the battery slots, he sighed and stretched his back. "Where to next?" He asked, "Well we haven't been to the other side of the room, so I suppose we go over there." Six replied with hands on her hip as she began walking over to the suggested location. "Okay, let's hope we don't die over there." Y/n joked morbidly, as she grabbed Mono's hand. "Wait, grab that battery you just put it, we need it." As Mono quickly grabbed the battery and raced over to the new found door, he placed the battery in the suppose spot and the door slid open.

As the trio looked around Six noticed a cell with a small enough opening for the other two. " This place looks like jail cells, what'd they do in the hospital?" Y/n asked, not sure if she would like the answer she wouldn't get. "Experiments I suppose, crazy doctors I guess." Mono replied as Six called them over, she told them that she could boost them through the small opening but that she couldn't go with them. As she was boosting Mono up, she decided to say something "Hey Y/n, do you like Mono?" She told in a whisper, hearing this made Y/n tense up. "What? What makes you think I like Mono?" Y/n asked in a whisper as well. "Well your all 'likely likely' with him so I think you like Mono, and please don't lie to me." Six replied with a slight smirk. "Okay, so I sorta.. like Mono, but don't tell him I said that!" Y/n frantically said as she was boosted over. "I won't, I promise." Six winked as she waved goodbye.

"Why is there a mannequin in the doorway?" Mono asked as he pulled out his flashlight. "I honestly don't know." Y/n replied as she walked over to the switch on the wall, turning the room dark as crackling sounds and sudden movement began. Mono rushed to turn on the flashlight as he aimed it towards the mannequin with a slight yelp, the messed up mannequin stood oddly still. Y/m turned the light as it flickered on and began walking with Mono to the next room. They found even more mutilated mannequins standing still down a hall as they had to walk through it, they walked through a broken part of a door. "Why is it so dark in this place?" Mono as he turned on the flashlight again scanning the area, "Was this place so out of money that they had to cut the lights? I don't get it." Y/n replied adding onto his question. More mannequins stood idly as Mono and Y/n walked together, as the duo got to a more open part of the room some of the mannequins came alive and began chasing them. 

Mono grabbed Y/n's hand and began dragging her towards a more safer place, as the crackling creatures reached the duo slid under a bed and onto the other side. Even more of the crackling creatures showed up as some came alive, "Jump through here!" Mono said as he his flashlight onto the mannequins once more.

As an arm reached for the duo took a quick breather, Mono started asking if they could take a quick break before heading onward. Y/n took his hand as they sat next to each other.

Unfortunately for them, they had no idea what would happen next.

(Hello my lovely readers! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next chapter might come out in a while because i have to make time for my Math grades. I hope you understand! Ill cya next time, Bye!)

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