Back Alley' Brawl

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( Art done by prizm_art on Instagram)

Y/n woke up to Mono's soft snoring and his head in the crook of her neck, it was a sight to adore. While Six was sitting next to her, silently sleeping, Y/n was happy that she wasn't alone. The rain poured tirelessly.

Y/n decided to stay like this till they woke up, until she heard metal shoving each other. The metal continued until Y/n nearly lost her mind, she slipped out of the cuddling but made sure Mono was in a comfortable looking position. She stormed outside to see what was causing the commotion that had dread displayed on her face and the small droplets from the sky, the metal sound became louder as Y/n came closer to it. Y/n peeked her head around the corner to find a... Cat? The cat was playing with metal tins very loudly. She was internally freaking out, she hadn't seen a cat in who knows how long. Y/n deciding to take her chances and walked up to the cat, despite her size she thought it was nice to pet a cat. "Hello!" Y/n called to the cat causing it to become aware to the child that appeared, as Y/n kept walking up to it. The cat slowly but surely sat down as it grew more comfortable around the small child, seeing as it wasn't a threat but rather a harmless creature.

Y/n was unconsciously smiling from ear to ear when she began petting the surprisingly soft cat, its calico looking coat sat on the ground underneath a small metal roof from a nearby building. "Your so pretty!" Y/n spat out, slightly squealing. Its been awhile since a animal didn't want to kill her. All of a sudden, a voice rang out. "Y/n? What are doing out here?!" The familiar sound caused Y/n to stop touching the cat and to turn to meet a familiar boy.

Mono woke up to only see Six sleeping against the wall, wondering where that special girl went. The rain had began pouring slightly more than earlier making the atmosphere slightly more peaceful, and Mono liked that. Mono always liked the rain because it always seemed calming and distracted him from other disturbances, it also reminded him of his friends. Y/n and Six are one of the greatest things he's grateful for, they stood by his side since he found them, they have been nothing but loyal. He sat on the step in front of the door breathing in the smell of the rain, glancing at random puddles that gathered water.

"Marshal?" Y/n questioned in concern, taking a few steps back before realizing who it was. It was him, the person you thought you would never see again, the person you didn't wish to see at the moment. "Miss me? Why are you here and not in that god damn restroom?" The taller boy asked with a hint of annoyance and disappointment, he was looming figure over Y/n. "Well I-"

"I what?"

"I, uh, I didn't want to be stuck in that really gross restroom so I, uhm, decided to leave..?" Y/n spoke with a slight hint of worry, she didn't want to let him know that her friends were sleeping in a building only half a block away, she didn't want to add more chaos. "Uh huh.. I absolutely love the way you stutter, just reminds me of how much of a klutz you are." As he said that, he began walking towards you with his arms behind his back. To your surprise, he looked like he was good looking and you've never noticed it till now, he didn't have any broken parts or cuts. He must have been that popular to have a immunity from getting attacked by any of those gremlin students. "What? What do you mean?" Y/n spoke cautiously, in case she said something wrong or something that would upset him.

Mono sat silently, listening to the small noises around him until a certain noise caught him off guard. The sound of a yelp could be heard only a few feet away, in the sketchy looking alleyway. Mono had learned from before not to investigate anything, but this time was different it could be Y/n.

"How'd did you find me!?" Y/n cried, concerned that he would seriously follow her. "Oh simple, when I saw you weren't in that bathroom. I just looked out of window that was near the building you entered and saw two  Dickheads. Pretty sad to be honest, out could be hanging out in that bathroom but of course not." He said with aggression in his tone. "Okay, but can you leave me alone?!" Y/n shouted, and within a second, she was pinned to the wall with a yelp.

"Listen, babe, your gonna come with me back to the school. If you don't, I will simply drag you back there myself." He threatened in your ear whispering, he licked the lobe of her ear after he said that. Y/n was now scared of what she should do, either leave her friends and forcefully go back to that school or run away. She couldn't run away at the moment, his hands were tightly gripped around her wrists. Marshal to suck the underside of her ear causing her to let out a strangle grunt from the surprise, and Marshal liked it. He continued doing that, until he held both of her wrists in one hand and the other on her hip. It was going to get worst if no one could intervene.

After sitting on the step for about thirty minutes Mono began walking towards the alley, expecting just a random animal got stuck on something but saw far worst. He saw the worst person he'd had ever encountered pinned against his lover, Marshal licking and sucking the underside of the girls ear while moving his hand rubbing circles on her hip with his thumb made him feel the familiar feeling of rage built up as he walked up.

Y/n felt the urge to do something but she couldn't, as much as she wanted to she was no match to Marshal. Him being taller and stronger, he could easily do whatever he wanted to on her, but as the sucking and licking continued she began to lose hope that someone would help her. Next thing she knew Marshal was pushed off of her, and Mono began to beat his ass.

Mono was beating Marshal's ass for trying to hurt Y/n. Before Mono saw it Marshal quickly punched Mono's rib causing him to back off, Marshal now stood by with a bloody nose. "Well well, is that Mono? The outcast?" Marshal chuckled while Mono stood next to protectively. "What are doing with such a person like Y/n and that other chick? I thought you didn't like talking to people!" Marshal mused, clearly not taking the situation seriously. "That other "chick" is Six. I didn't want to talk to those assholes at the school Marshal, or should I say asshole!" Mono yelled while Y/n was silently cheering for him. "Beat his ass!" Y/n whispered to the bag boy, happily nodding before getting into a full blown fight.

Punching, kicking, biting was all seen by Y/n. Making her very proud of him for standing up for her, but the fight was so loud that it woke Six up and drawn her over to the alley. Six was confused at first until she saw it was that boy from earlier who kidnapped Y/n, She was now audibly cheering Mono on with Y/n joining in. "Kick his ass!" "Put some force into it!" "You can do this Mono!"

After fighting for what felt like forever, Marshal kicked Mono off and began racing back to the school with Mono following him. "Mono don't! You just get lost trying to get him!" Y/n warned, with Six giving a sly smirk of proud-ness. Mono eventually calmed down and came back over to the girls, Y/n immediately wrapped her arms around him and began hugging him tightly. Six walking back to the building, "Don't be long you two, I want to go back to sleep before we continue going anywhere!" Mono sighed and shouted back "We will!"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Y/n began to say with a big smile, her (e/c) eyes sparkled as she released from herself from the hug. Mono was slightly smiling too having Y/n happy was enough to make him happy, even if it meant beating the shit out of a kid. "Hey Mono?"  "Yes-" Was all that was said before Y/n lifted a little bit of his paper bag hat and kissed him on the cheek. "I really appreciate it Mono, I really do." Y/n spoke before walking towards where Six went, Mono was mesmerized he was caught in a little trance of what seemed to be love.

Before Y/n left, Mono quickly caught up to her and began holding her hand. He just nodded his head before walking forward, causing Y/n to giggle as the rain poured.

(Another chapter is out and I am tired! But anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this one)

(Love ya!)

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