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(Art done by kabura.0410 on Instagram!)

Y/n woke up to the sound of a door slamming, startlingly her to only see through the baggy potato sacks that was covering the poor girl. Another person, Y/n suddenly had a spark of excitement to see a kid around her age.

She untangled herself from the musty sacks (😳) to crawl out from the table and approach the other child, the kid flinched back to see a hand reaching for them.

"H-Hey! Don't worry I'm harmless!" Y/n squeaked making the child less tense. "I'm Y/n, what's your name?" The child sat in silence before sighing

"Mine is Six."

"Thats nice!" Y/n finally happy to have someone talking to her since she's been in captivity. Six awkwardly shook your hand, Y/n moved slightly closer wondering if Six wondered where she was. "Welcome to the Hunter's basement I guess,"

"That's his name?"

"I don't think so, but I call him that."

"Oh...well is there anything to do?"

Y/n began thinking but then remembered the music box, y/n pointed to it with a smile as Six walked over to it. Y/n sat against the door waiting for the Hunter to arrive. "Why are sitting against the door?" Six asked while carrying the music box to the middle of the room, struggling, Y/n perked her head "Oh, just waiting for food he usually delivers it by now" Six hummed a response as Y/n continued talking loudly.

Y/n couldn't even hear the Hunter's breathing, as he opened the door Y/n plummeted backwards, laying on her back.

"Oh, Hello!" Y/n looking up and waving while the Hunter looked down with a plate in his hand, He shook his head as he picked Y/n up by the back of her shirt and placing her on the floor in front of Six. Y/n now sitting down with her back towards Six and the Hunter gently putting the plate infront of Y/n. (I hope you like picturing this)

Y/n just looked up slightly smiling to be fed along with their new friend. Once the Hunter left to do whatever he did that you didn't know about, Y/n slid the plate towards Six as Y/n assumed she was hungry. "You gotta eat, my friend!" Six shook her head and instead sat down to crank the handle of the music box

"I suppose, suit yourself" As Y/n began tearing into the food that was placed upon in front of her like a wild animal again. Slightly disturbing Six and the melody that she was creating, once you finished the plate and stacked it up like you did the day previously. As you stood next to Six and began slightly moving like trying to dance but very poorly.

Y/n continued this until she felt the urge to sleep. "Six?" Six hummed a response "You tired?" Six hummed again but with yes. "Would you like to sleep in the potato sacks?" Six was curios until she saw y/n pointing to the table, the underneath of it at least. Six gradually got up and began walking towards the sacks and cuddling under them. Y/n sat on the floor with nothing to do but curl up and sleep, slightly shivering while the girl in the potato sacks sleep peacefully.

You wondered how tomorrow would start with someone else that spoke.

(2nd chapter!! Hope y'all enjoyed have a goodnight/goodnight!)

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