The Horrible Crackling

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(Art done by Chloe.w56 on Instagram!)

"Let's get going, Six is probably worried." Y/n spoke as she grabbed Mono's hand. "Through this vent" Mono pointed, as they jumped in and crawled through. As they exit the vent they found more asylum looking rooms, probably filled with more mannequins and other grotesque stuff.

As Mono and Y/n held hands walking down the hallway, an arm lunges forward at them as more appear from the doors. Mono began running through the hands while gripping extremely hard to your hand. When Mono dragged Y/n to the end of the hallway of hands, a door busted open and some mannequins began crawling out with their crackling limbs. Mono and Y/n, both screaming, had to dodge the approaching mannequins with his flashlight. Y/n had to drag him the next room and barked at him to crawl under as he quickly did.

"Up the filing cabinets!" Y/n shouted as she began climbing them with Mono hot on her heels. Y/n landed into another room, wet and damp is what she called this room as Mono tumbled out of the vent and landed on her. "Jeez your heavy-" Y/n said as Mono helped her up "That's mean! Why would you say that?" Mono exclaimed as you began apologizing, saying that's not what you meant and to make up for it Y/n gave him a peck on his cheek. As they took in their surroundings they noticed it was a shower room, Mono flipped on the light switch to reveal a box of soap on the ground with a few rogue bars. "Don't drop the soap." Y/n said with a chuckle as Mono picked it up.

"Why not?" He asked as you gave him the most concerned face he had seen. "I'm joking, besides it wouldn't be that bad if it was coming from you." He said with a laugh as you punched his shoulder. As Mono opened the gate there was a body in a bathtub and a mannequin strapped to a wheelchair, "So we have to get the mannequin out of the chair? We can't reach the handles so..." Mono trailed off as you began walking back to the light switch
"Be ready Mono!" Y/n said as she shut the light switch, Y/n heard a scream and the sound of moving limbs until she saw the light of the flashlight, she quickly turned the lights on as Mono still kept his eyes on the mannequin.

They pushed the wheelchair against the double-doors as they hopped through the small opening, this room was a land field of mannequins. Mono gently grabbed your hand as he began moving through the room, he began running as more mannequins came alive. "There!" Y/n yelled as he continued dragging you towards a lit room, more mannequins ran towards the two ad their limbs crackled and popped with each movement.

Mono and Y/n slid under the boarded doorway as mannequins reached for the two. Mono sat down against the wall, tired and out of breathe, Y/n took the spare ball on the ground and began tossing it at the mannequin hands. "Let's continue, I don't want to be here anymore. Mono pleaded as he lifted himself off the ground, Y/n lead him to an electric chair. "Oh look a battery." Y/n pointed at the control box, Mono looked at the switch on the wall and began pulling it down.

The headpiece of the chair began sizzling and crackling as the battery was slowly getting pushed out. When the got popped out someone called out to the two. It was Six, she waved at them as they rushed over their with the battery, they tossed over the battery and Six placed it in the battery slot. When she did that, the gate began opening as Y/n and Mono rushed out with Y/n tumbling. "What did you guys see in there?" Six asked while helping Y/n up from the ground. "It was horrible! Giant mutilated mannequins began coming alive, chasing me and Y/n!" Mono squeaked as he held your hand as he fidgeted with his fingers. "Yeah, it wasn't pleasant at all." Y/n added as Six nodded, she picked up the battery as they trio began walking back to the elevator.

As Mono shoved the battery in the second slot, a siren wailed for a split second before turning off. "That's pleasant I suppose, i just hope its not a welcoming call for us to get eaten by something." Six sighed. The trio walked into the elevator as the door begins to shut, when it does it takes them down multiple floors. When the elevator stops, the whole room is pitch black, nothing could be seen or heard besides the elevator. "Can we hold hands together? I don't know about going down this hall." Y/n asked, fidgeting with her hands, luckily Six held her hand out as so did Mono as he pointed the flashlight.

The more they ventured down the hall the more darker it seem to had gotten, but the flashlight was great in this case. Who knows what could be down here? A man eating maniac? More mannequins? The more it ran through Y/n's mind, the more startled she had gotten. The trio eventually walked into a fairly lit room with boxes filled with mannequin parts, The trio saw at the other side of the room there was a poorly boarded up door. As the trio walked closer, a sudden banging on one of the metal containers as the lock began breaking off. 

Six and Y/n quickly ran over and began pressing their body weight against it as Mono grabbed the conveniently placed  pipe up. Mono began attacking the hand that climbed out, his grunts alongside metal hitting the ground throughout the room as he quickly struck it twice. It was only a matter of time until the metal container's door flung open and smacked Y/n in the head, causing her to go down and not get up. The hand sprinted at Mono as Six couldn't do much more than to make sure Y/n was okay or tear off the blank boards, as she was contemplating that, Mono was striking down the hand as it jumped at it. After a few minutes the hand was immobilized and now the only problem was Y/n.

That metal struck had struck her head and now she isn't responsive. Six was rubbing and shaking her shoulders as Mono feared for the worst, "Should we rest here until Y/n wakes up? We can't go on with her." Six asked with a worried and concerned tone as Mono nodded. They sat up Y/n against the wall and began to slowly relax.

"Should we rest here until Y/n wakes up? We can't go without her." The tall female asks as the paper bag boy nods, the doctor was fully interested now . Seeing the suppose "Y/n" and "Mono" venture through the mannequin rooms was a hoot for him, the way they screamed as the mannequins reached for them was priceless. The cameras did an excellent job of showing him everything that happened, the hands first appearing, Six and Y/n having their little chat about Mono and Y/n's likeness for him, the mannequins first coming alive, and Six racking and breaking the fingers of one of the loose mannequin dolls. It was amazing watching these three work together even if they're different, but for now he can actually terrorize them as he glared at the costume in the corner in all its hideousness.

(Well alright! that's the end of the chapter and I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry this didn't come out sooner I had to quarantine and that took so much energy out of me so i hope you understand! Until the next chapter, Bye bye!) 

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