°^° Hunter °^°

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Okay so I decided to make a design for the Hunter since I know y'all like him <3

Okay so I decided to make a design for the Hunter since I know y'all like him <3

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(Designing idea inspired by AdelCervero)

I wanted to make a canon design since I was bored and I thought I would make some headcannons.

• I swear he has Freckles, I feel like that would suit him.

• He pretty decent at repairing wounds since I believe he got into some major injuries

•He is surprisingly good with children, even though he spends his time in the woods.

• He has a cat named Tangerine, the cat is orange and white but it hunts in the forest.

• The rifle or shotgun he has was passe down by his father

• His favorite animal is a deer, he likes their skin and their ears

• He surprisingly knows how to sew, and he sews his clothing back together if they rip

• He has collection of old antiques

• He has shot multiple wolves before because they were eating most of the animals and does his taxidermy thing

• He absolutely adores small animals (frogs, squirrels, etc) with small hands that are still alive

• He has like five pairs of boots

• He has multiple hats

• He likes reality television, but he rarely watches cartoon or children's shows

Real Name : Samson "Hunter" Everett
Nicknames : Hunter, Sammy, Sam, Everett, Scary Taxidermist (Idk bout this one)

(I hope you all enjoyed this! I wanted to make this because I was bored and I love the Hunter!)

(Love you, Bye!)

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