Doctor's Office

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(Image above is made by _catnextdoor_ in Instagram!)

"We're back!" Mono called, alerting Six "Its 'bout time you guys got back here, done making out behind the dumpster?" Six replied, chuckling while Mono started denying the allegations while Y/n was trying to ring out her shirt. "Well then, Shall we continue through this building?" Y/n asked, the two slightly taller people nodded and began walking towards the rest of the room.

A phone rang through the room as Dr. William picked it up. "Hello?" The man responded "Hey Willy! Long time no see! but anyways I got something to ask you." The voice on the other line replied. "For the last time Samson i told you to stop calling me that" William said with a annoyed tone. "Anyways, what is it that you need?" he continued, the man on the other line began to speak once more "Remember when i told you that i got shot by some kids? Well I kind of need you to send me a shipment of bandages my way, if that's cool with you." Samson replied

William sighed, he didn't think his friend was this gullible. With an upset sigh, the doctor flipped open a notebook and began writing "Do you need anything else, or is that it?" Samson replied with a content hum, while the doctor was writing he noticed something moving on his security cameras. Three small children walking into his hospital. A small grin formed onto the man's face, as one of the children began making inappropriate jokes while the person with paper bag hat was overreacting.

"Hey Bud? You there?" Samson asked, jokingly tapping the phones receiver. "Huh? O-Oh yeah I'm still here." William quickly responded and began writing again, but side eyed the cameras. "Well I think I got you covered Sam, and one more time, do you need anything else before I hang up?" The doctor dropped the pen after the man on the other line responded with a quick "no"and with that, he hung up.

" Stop Six!!" Mono whined when Six made the joke about how Mono looked as if he was a criminal with a disguise. Y/n had barely any air in her lungs as she laughed, it was nice to have a good laugh for once after what had happened back in the alley. "So what are we doing here?" Y/n asked with a slight head tilt, "Well, we're going through this building to make traveling easier but mostly to relax I guess." Mono said, scratching the nape of his neck. "Oh, that's actually really smart" Y/n complimented with a happy tone, making Mono smile under his bag. "Yeah, since Mister Mono isn't known for his intelligence." Six joked as she punched his shoulder while he whined sadly "Don't worry Mono! Your smart enough for us." Y/n spoke, rubbing his punched shoulder, They walked until they met a double door and Mono began pushing against it. Once the doors flied open Mono tumbled forward and nearly fell off the ledge, luckily Six grabbed his hand and with the help of Y/n safely pulled him back onto the ledge.

The Doctor laughed as the boy fell, the screen portrayed the scream of the poor child. Luckily one of his friends caught him with the help of the weaker looking one, they helped the boy back on his feet before they began climbing upwards on the dangling hospital beds. "Why are there beds dangling from the ceiling!?" The camera's audio picked up a females voice, as the group finished climbing.

"I'm done climbing for today, I can't anymore." Y/n complained, tired but still managing. "I hope we don't have to do anymore." Mono replied while Six ventured ahead and began playing with a battery, she eventually opened something and the group found their way on top of a elevator. Six and Y/n noticed a small hatch and began pulling on it, while that was happening was Mono was telling them the elevator was going down with panic in his tone as they toppled into the vent. "Let's continue, shall we?" Y/n spoke with a slight giggle, she began crawling. Six eventually got the hint and began crawling with Y/n behind her. "It sure is musty in this vent, its kinda gross." Six said with a sigh.

"I don't know about you Six, but I'm enjoying my view." Mono said with a sly difference in his voice, Six immediately understood and shouted at him while Y/n shrugged it off. As soon as the group hopped out of the vent, Mono was immediately assaulted by a yellow raincoat. Y/n noticed a flashlight laying on the floor and had picked it up, shining it at the two dimwits. "C'mon let's get going." Y/n spoke with Mono scurrying quickly over to her while Six followed. They began walking around the hallways.

The group made it to a bright room, it looked like a reception. The first thing Y/n noticed was the soda machine, she ran over to it and pressed the red button. The can dispensed and dropped into the entry container, Y/n took it and offered some to the other two. "Wait before you open that let me-" Mono said before politely taking the can away and throwing it towards a button, when the button was pressed the gated door opened. "All right, now time for a quick soda.." Six spoke, trailing off as she approached the soda machine and quickly grabbing a soda. With a loud hiss and the sound of metal clinking, the soda was open and Six began chugging it down.

"All right, I think that's enough soda Six, not to sound rude or anything." Mono said with a weary tone, Y/n trying to get into the reception room to find anything exciting. "We should get going too, if that's fine with you." Mono spoke with a quick nod from Six.

"Let's see what this room has to offer us!" Y/n cheered

(Hello my beautiful/Handsome readers! I hope you enjoyed reading!

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