Chapter 25

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I stand in the airport in tears. Ricky walks up to me. "I'm gunna miss you," he says tearing up.
"I'm gunna miss you too," I say with my voice cracking a little. I give Ricky a hug and he hugs tightly back. "Love you," he says.
"Love you too," I say and Ricky steps back and Jc steps forward .
"Gunna miss you," Jc say.
"I'll be back. I promise," I state and give him a hug.
Next up was Shaan Jasmine and Marley. We said are goodbyes and I told Shaan to take good care of my brother.
Next and last was Kian. This was going to be hard. "I'm really gunna miss you," he says.
"I'm gunna miss you too," I say.
"We can pick up where weedy of when you get back," he says.
"And where's that?" I ask.
"Here," Kian and kisses my lips gently. We smile at each other once Kian pulls away.
"I love you," I say to him.
"I love you too," he says back.
My flight number he's called and I say one last goodbye and walk to the gate.
O the plane I'm seated by Drake and all I can do is look out the window. This is the hardest thing I've ever done. It feels like just yesterday I moved in with my brother and now I'm leaving. My vision gets blurry as tears fill my eyes. I turn my head forewords and the plane stars to take off and Drake wipes the teas away from my eyes. "You'll see them again soon," he says and I smile and nod.
"I know," I softly say and put my ear phones into my ears and play Ricky's music.

Yes I know it's short. It's the last chapter. There will be a new book and the release of the new chapter is March first and you will also that day get a sneak peek of the surprise. Tay tuned because when the SEQUIL is up I will post it here! Love you all, bye. .

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