Chapter 5

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I look at my alarm, 7:00. I get up and walk down stairs where Trevor is eating a bowl of cereal half asleep. "Wake up," I say and shake his shoulder.
"I'm awake," Trevor whines.
"Good," I say and get the milk out of the fridge and pour myself a glass.
I finish the rest of my breakfast and go to my room and change into my green tank top and jeans and put on socks and head down stairs. The bus will be here soon. The guys are talking to Trevor and I see the bus. "Trevor," I say and he looks out the window and says goodbye to us all. I sit on the couch and get on twitter on my phone and scroll through my feed. "Bailey," Kian asks and I look up.
"Ya?" I ask.
"Will you be in my video later today?" He asks.
"I'm sorry. I'm gunna be busy," I state and head to my room. I flop down on my bed and just lay there.
When there is about an hour until I have to be to work I start to get better cloths on and put a little eye liner on. I'm not much of a makeup fan. I full my hair back into a pony tail and slip my phone into my pocket. I walk down the stairs and no one is down there so I grab one of the car keys and leave the house and start off to work.
After work I get home and walk in the door. I walk right up yo my room and crash I my bed. I can feel my head string to hurt and spin.
I sit in my bed almost in tears. I've had this job almost a month now and it pays good. I'm looking at a house to buy and Ricky and everyone found out about my job and I'm going to buy that house soon. It's a one story thing about 10 miles away. I really don't like this. I turned down all the guys more then once for a callab YouTube video and it made me feel so bad. I wanted to make friends that were like girls so I wasn't surround by guys all of the time. I don't have any time to myself anymore.
I wipe my era and check the clock. 11 at night.
I walk down the stairs and out the front door to sit by the pool. The fresh air will do me good. I get closer to the pool and see someone there. "Hello?" I ask and its just Kian.
"Hey Bails," Kian says sadly.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I don't want you to leave. Before that stupid job you got everything was going good, now look at us," Kian says in tears.
"I don't wanna leave."
"Then don't!"
"Ricky wants me out!"
"Just talk to him."
I give Kian a hug and walk up the stairs and stop and Ricky's door. I pause for a second a let out a breath. I knock gently one the door.
"Come in," I hear Ricky say and cautiously enter the room. I close the door behind me and I loose it. I run to Ricky in tears and wrap my arms around his neck. "What is it?" Ricky asks.
"Why?" I ask.
"Why what?"
"Why do you want me out so bad. I got a terrible job. Work EVERYDAY even weekends. From 11-7. I don't have any time to myself."
"I didn't WANT you to leave. I thought the guys would want you out."
"Do they?"
"N-no. Quit the job. I'll let you'll live here. We sent spending the time together we should."
Ricky gives me a huge hug and I feel better. "I'll drive you tomorrow," Ricky says and I nod.
I walk out or Ricky's room and go to Kian's door and know on it. No answer. I go back to the pool and Kian is sitting there. "Thank you," I say and take a seat next to him.
"I didn't do anything," Kian says.
"Yes. You really did," I say and head back to my room. I lay down on my bed. It feels amazing to know I haw such good friends and an amazing brother.

As you know I'm updating EVERY Sunday now. YAY!! I love all the feedback I get just don't me really mean about it. If you don't like it stop reading and if you think I should do something in a different way say it nicely. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!
NOW IT'S ACTUALLY SATURDAY!! I wrote that thug above when I first finished this chapter. I won't be about to update Sunday so I have 2 updates for you today.

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