Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We arrive at the car and everyone is looking at me. "Bailey," Ricky says and I feel as If I'm about to burst into millions of tears. "You look amazing," Ricky says smiling and that lifts my spirit and I smile back. "Thanks I reply in a low but happy time of voice.
We get into the cars and head for Walmart which is only a few miles from here.
When we get there we slit into groups each with 4 thing to find and get. I was paired with Kian. Ricky with Jc. Conor with Trevor and Sam and they have extra items since they have an extra person.
Kian I are walking around the store and he brakes the mummers of the people around us. "What you doing tomorrow?" He asks.
"Nothing. Absolute nothing," I say.
"Wanna... umm.. Like go to breakfast with me tomorrow morning like around 9?" Kian asks me and I scream a little from the inside and hold in my excitement. "Sure," I respond I a cool way and we finish gathering our items and then go back home.
At home I sit in my room a bit and stry to plan out a video for tomorrow. It's truth week an I'm going to do the truth about me. I'm posting on twitter that I need questions and I am going to answer as many as I can in 5 minutes truthfully.
I get my video planned out as best as I ca and start to think about my little date tomorrow with Kian. I have no idea what I'm going to wear. I need help.
I stand in front of the bedroom door of the one that I know can help me. I knock and he answers the door and I go inside. If anyone can help me I know he can.
"Connor. I need your help with something," I say.
"What is it?" He asks.
"I have a date tomorrow what should I wear?" I ask.
"Oooooooo. A date. With who. Where.
"Well we are going out to breakfast tomorrow and with Kian," I say.
"Well girl. I'm going to pick you out an amazing outfit. You wait here. I'm going to put an outfit together," Connor says and rushes to my room.
I look at my diamond nose piercing and get on my phone. A few days ago Trevor quit public school and now goes to school online, which was smart.
After a while Connor comes back and drags me to my room. Laid out on my bed was a blue bandana, a nice pair of blue vans, jean shorts, a green tank top, a jean jacket and a light blue hair tie. "I love it. Thank you," I say and give Connor a hug.
"No problem," he says and heads back to his room. I lay my clothes out in my closet for tomorrow. I head downstairs and up to the top of the roof. My light brown and blue hair flows trough the wind and it feels amazing. "Hi," I hear Ricky voice and I see him out of the corner of my eye come in up to the top of the the roof joining me.
"I heard about your little date tomorrow," he says and sits beside me.
"Oh really," I say.
"I love your piercing, Kian told me he paid for it."
"I tried to talk him out of it."
"Ever think about getting a tattoo?"
"A few times."
You should get one. I'll pay."
"Ricky. No. No no no."
"Your my sister."
"I don't care."
"I'm not leaving you alone till you agree to this."
After a few moments of silence Ricky leaves and I'm alone on the roof once again.
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