Chapter 20

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I wake up and check the time. It's 10 in the morning. I yawn and shake Kian awake and Jc walks down the stairs.
"Who was at the door last night. I heard a knock?" Jc asks yawning.
"Shaan. She still here. We asked her to stay," I say Shaan comes out of Ricky's room.
"He awake?" Kian asks.
"Not yet," she says and plops down on the couch across from Kian and Me. I stand up an walk into Ricky's room and he finally wakes up. "Hey, remember anything more?" I ask.
"Jc. Kian. Sam. Trevor. Connor," he says and I'm shocked.
"What about me?"
"Sorry. No."
"Shelby's coming."
I sit in the edge on Ricky's bed.
"You we never there. After you left the house. You only talked to me on my Birthday and Christmas. That's it. The time you visited I didn't know. I wasn't home. I didn't find out till I was home. I felt a times you I forgot about me. You sent us pictures every once in a while. I still have them," I say and go get the picture album.
"That's me, that's Shelby, and that ones you," I say pointing out everyone and here a knock at the door and trust that I don't have to get it.
Soon Shelby walks in the room and smiles at Ricky.
"Hey," she says.
"Shelby," Ricky says.
She looks at the pictures with us. "You and me right before you moves out," I say. My voice cracked a bit. "You to should talk," I say and leave and sit by Jc. I think back I Ricky moving out.

-------- Thinking Back--------

"Please don't leave," I beg Ricky.
"I gotta," he says giving me a hug.
"Don't forget a out me," I say.
"Never," he says and kisses the top of my head.
I watch him pull out of the driveway and wake goodbye standing in between my mom and dad.

------End of thinking back------

"Will you tell us more about your childhood with Ricky?" Shaan asks an the guys agree.
"Well," I start and laugh a little at the though of a childhood memory. "Whenever I was upset. Even if I didn't show it. Ricky knew. He would sing to me. That started when I was like 7. I was bullied eve more so when I started YouTube. There was thins one time, I was in the hall. This guy came up to me. I was in like 8th grade. He said a few bad things abut me I can't remember exactly what but the last part will always stick with me. He said 'your week like your no good brother.' Ricky was behind him. He whistled and when the guys turned around Ricky hit him right in the face. Ricky got detention," I explain smiling at the part when Ricky punches the dude.
I walk back in with Shelby and Ricky. "Ricky, don't you remember singing to me?" I ask. Shelby smiles. "I remember," she says.
"I'm going to leave to I two to talk," Shelby say and gives me a hug before leaving. I hear a faint knock an hear Sam and Trevor. Kian tells them to wait to see Ricky.
"I was so jealous of you and Shelby. You did everything together. You made a YouTube channel together. I was so upset by that," I say.
"What if I never remember?" Ricky asks.
"You will, eventually," I say trying to encourage him he will be fine.
"Sam and Trevor are here," I say and leave.
I give them a hug before they go in and talk to Ricky. I sit down by Kian and he puts his arm around my shoulder. My phone beeps saying someone posted a YouTube video. It's Connor. It's called 'Coming Out'. I watch it with Kian and everyone else gathered around.
"I can't believe it," I say softly.
"Connor's gay," Jc says. I get my phone out and text him. After a few minutes Connor answers.
Connor: I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me.
Me: I always do. I miss you.
Connor: this isn't going to change anything.
Me: I hope in changed where you talk to all of us again.
I tell him about Ricky but sadly he can't come over since he's busy with some things.

I literally have many ideas as plans for this.

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