Chapter 15

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Kian in the backseat with me an Ricky and Jc are upfront with Ricky driving. Kian is not awake but last we checked there was a heartbeat. Ricky had to drive because we didn't want Jc to sit in the back with him. "Here's what happened," Jc says with his voice cracking a bit.
"Kian came downstairs. I tolled him you didn't cheat on him," Jc starts telling me with Ricky listening. "We started arguing and I punched him. I didn't mean it, but it made me mad that he broke your heart like that. I didn't want to I just did. I'm sorry," Jc says not takin his eyes off the road ahead of him.
I don't say anything. We arrive at the hospital and take Kian inside and tell them there was a fight.

I sit in the room where Kian is while the rest are in the hall. I text Sam, Trevor, and Connor, that there was an accident and Kian's in the hospital. I gets reply from Trevor and Sam almost immediately saying there on there way. Nothing from Connor. Ricky says he is going to text Marley, Jas, and Shaan. Shaan and Marley are as you know sisters, but they aren't that far apart only a year. Ricky and Shaan are officially a couple and I'm happy for them. Jc comes into the room and sits by me. He puts his hand on mine. "I'm really sorry," he says.
I look over at Jc. I could tell he was upset because I could see tears in his eyes. I give him a hug and then sit back in the chair and think back to Valentines Day.

---------- Thinks back---------

"Bailey?" Kian asks me.
I sit up a bit from the couch. "Ya?" I ask and look over at Kian putting the remote down.
"Will you officially be my girlfriend?" He asks and I nod smiling.
"Of course I will," I say and hug him and he hugs back.
"I thought you'd say yes," he says and pulls out a rose and kisses me lightly on the lips. He hands me the rose and I smile. "Thank," I say.
"Happy valentines day," Kian says.
"Same to you," I say and put my head on his shoulder. He puts his arms around me and I close my eyes and fall asleep.

---- End of thinking back-----

Kian's arm flinches and I sit straight up in the chair. Jc wakes over to the bed with Kian. "I'm sorry. I was mad that you hurt Bailey like that. I didn't mean it," Jc says says rushing his words a little.
"It's ok I understand," Kian says and falls back asleep.
"I'm going to the hall," I say after a few seconds of silence.
I sit by Ricky. "Kian woke up for a few seconds. "Jc apologized. Kian forgave him," I say and stretch out a little. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of footsteps rushing down the hall. I open my eyes and see its Trevor and Sam. I sit up and look at the time. It's 6 in the morning. I stand up and give them both a hug. "He ok?" Sam asks a little out of breath.
"He's ok," I say and we sit down. Ricky goes into Kian's room to see if he's awake. I see have have miss texts from Jas, Shaan, and Marley. They said they couldn't be here but they hope Kian's ok or something like that.
Ricky comes out of Kian's room. "He's awake," Ricky says everyone goes in one by one, and I go last.
I brush my hair out of my face and walk into the room.

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