Chapter 2

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We all arrive back at the o2l house and I run straight up to the room I'm going to be staying in and close the door. I line up all of my bags against the wall knowing I won't need to unpack. There's a closet and a dresser and I nice bed and table on one side of the bed and on the other an electrical outlet. I sit down on my bed and take out my phone. I scroll through my twitter feed and lay down on my temporary bed and look up at the ceiling. I hear a knock at the door. "Come in," I say. Kian walks through the door closing it behind him. Kian walks over to me and sits on the bed. "What ya doing?" He asks.

"Nothing much," I say and sit up.

"Will you come downstairs with the rest of us?" Kian asks.

"Nah," I say.

Kian gets up and grabs my arm and starts to drag me out to the hallway. "Kian," I whine and he drags me out I the hall and shuts the door to my room. He lets go of my arm and stands like a guard in front of my door. I have no choice but to walk down the stairs. I reach the bottom and the guys are talking and laughing. I sit down in an empty chair and pull m knees up to my chin. After a while of everyone talking I fall to sleep.

I wake to no noise. Everything is quiet. I sit up and look around and don't see anyone till I look into the kitchen. "Sam..." I say and he turns is head to me.

"Yah?" He asks.

"Where is everybody?"

"They went out. Kian wanted to stay here with you but I made him go. He's done a lot for you."

"Thank you," I say and stand up and walk out to the kitchen. "No problem," Sam says when I get to the kitchen.

"Sam?" I ask.

"Yah?" He questions back.

"Will you make a YouTube video with me?" I ask.

"You have a YouTube Channel?"

"Yah. I lost a lot of subscribers after Ricky moved out."

"I'd love to make a video with you."

Me and Sam run to my room and I get my video camera and tripod and phone. "Why haven't you unpacked?" Sam asks.

"I don't think I'll be here long," I state and before he can ask anything more i run downstairs and start to set up the camera.

I get it set up and Sam joins me. "What is the video going to be about?" Sam asks.

"First a life update and maybe... Um I don't know," I say.

"I'll post on twitter for people to ask us questions. You should too," Sam says.

"I only have like 1k followers. I'm not going to get get many questions," I state.

"Come on," Sam whines.

"Fine," I say and get on twitter.


After the video is done Sam and I are both practically dying of laughter. I got most of the questions and Sam was joking how he felt so left out. Before this video I had like 2000 subscribers now I have like 10,000. And it's all thanks to Sam. "Thank you sooo much," I say to Sam after we both calm down a bit.

"No problem," Sam replies and then the guys walk through the door laughing and joking around. "What do you two do while we was gone?" Ricky asks.

"Made a video," Sam says.

"Speaking of video, I have some editing to do," I say and grab my things and go up to my room. I get my laptop out and my camera and start to edit.

I'm about half way done and Ricky comes in my room. "Ever heard of knocking?" I ask.

"You still made videos even after I left?" He asks.

"Duh. I know you never watched any," I state.

"I'm sorry. I thought you stopped."

"Never in a million years."

"I just watched some of them. There really amazing."

"You don't have to lie."

"Bailey, I'm not lying."

I stand up and give Ricky a huge hug and kiss on the nose. "Ricky you the best big brother. I love you," I say and squeaky little kid voice.

"I love you to Bails," Ricky says and hugs me back.

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