Chapter 19

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We arrive at the hospital and I hold Kian's hand as we walk through the hall and see Jc ahead with his head in his hands. "Jc?" I choke out an he looks up at Kian and I as we reach him. "What's going on?" I ask Jc in tears and he pulls me into a hug.
"Ricky was crossing the street. He was hit by a car. He car came out of nowhere," Jc says starting to cry a little.
"Is he ok?" I ask.
"He will be. When he wakes up he'll have short term memory loss, the doctor said he would remember family just no recent events for a few hours," Jc say and I pull Kian in into a group hug. The Doctor comes out of Ricky's room. "He's awake," he says before walking away. Kian, Jc, and I walk into the room and I walk over to Ricky. "Thank god your ok," I say and give Ricky a hug.
"Who are you?" Ricky asks.
"Ricky don't do this. This is serious. Please don't do this," I say staring to tear up.
"I don't know you. None of you," he says looking at Kian and Jc.
"I'm Bailey. Your LITTLE SISTER. THOSE ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS. KIAN. JC!" I yell and Kian pulls me into a hug and I start to cry. Kian hugs me from behind so I can see Ricky and he looks so confused. "Do you remember O2l?" Jc asks. Ricky shakes his head.
"Are my parents coming?" Ricky asks.
I'm at a lost for words. "Ricky. Um. They died in a car crash about 7 months ago," I say chocking back tears.
"So they were your parents to," Ricky says more than asks and I nod.
Jc goes out in the hall and I can here him and the doctor talking and Jc yells something about Ricky was suppose to remember his family.
"What do you remember?" Kian asks.
"I remember, Shelby. My parents," he says. (If you don't know Shelby she's one of Ricky's best friends) I reach for my phone and bring up pictures of me and Ricky. "Here. This is us. Whe we filmed a video yesterday."
"Video? For what?"
"What's that?"
"It's everything to you. It's your life."
"I wanna leave here."
"Ok. Well see what we can do."
Ricky nods and Kian and I walk into the hall.

When we get home Ricky looks around the house. The doctor says he might be like this for a day to a week. He has a broken wrist too. I walk Ricky to his room and give him his phone back and show him which contacts are mine, Kian's, and Jc's.
I tell him well be here if he needs anything and Jc goes up to his room and Kian and I sit on the couch. It's almost two in the morning. There a knock at the door and Kian goes to answer it. It's Shaan. "I'm sorry its early. I just found out not to long ago. Can I see him?" Shaan asks and Kian moves out of the way letting her in. "This way," I say and lead Shaan to Ricky's room and se sits I his bed by him. "Remember me?" She asks.
Ricky shakes his head.
"I'm Shaan. Your girlfriend," she says sweetly and looks at his wrist.
"I'm sorry. I just don't remember," Ricky says sadly and takes her hand.
"I should get going soon," Shaan says lightly.
"Wait," I speak up. "If its ok with Ricky, you can spend the night," I say and Kian nods in agreement. Shaan looks at Ricky.
"Stay," I say and Shaan smiles and takes her jackt off and lays down by Ricky. I smile and go to the couch and text Shelby.
Me: Shelby. Ricky was in an accident. He has memory loss and a Brocken wrist. He remembers you though. Please come.
Shelby replies almost instantly
Shelby: On my way
I put my phone down and Kian holds me tight. "Everything will be ok," he says and his voice cracks a little.
"I hope," I say before drifting off to sleep.


this is like literally one of my favorite chapters.

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