Chapter 10

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I sit in the car waiting to arrive at Jenn and Andrea and the rest of the girls place to hang out. It's just going to be me, Jc, Ricky, and Trevor.
I see a drop of rain on the windshield and close my eyes and when I open my eyes I see a car cars into ours and then everything goes black from there.
I open my eyes and stair at the ceiling. I'm wide awake and pain rushes through my head and left foot. I slowly sit up and look around the room. Where's Ricky? Is he ok? Questions fill my mind and a doctor walks into the room. "Your awake," he says.
"Is my friends ok. Is Kian here?" I ask in a hurry.
"A Kian Lawley is here and Sam Pottorff, and a Connor Franta are here. And the people you were in the at with, they are fine, both a wake and doing well," the doctor says.
"Can you send Kian in?" I ask and the doctor smiles and nods and leaves the room.
Kian comes through the door and rushes over to me. He hugs me and I hug back. "Your ok," He says almost in tears.
"I'm fine," I say almost in tears too.
"I was so worried," Kian says.
"After a few minutes Shaan and her younger sister Marley and their friend Jasmine walk through the door and I smile and talk to them. They said that Kian called them.
After Shaan and them go into the hall Kian gives me a kiss on the check and go sends the doctor in to release me. I have a fracture ankle so the doctor gave me crutches and recommends I take pain killers twice a day for my ankle and my head until I feel as if I don't need it. I wait in the hall and Sam and Connor get up and by me in a hurry along with Jenn and Andrea. Jo's hand is bandaged up. Trevor is fine and Ricky has a black eye and a broken wrist. I hug them and as we walk out the door I touch the diamond on my nose that was unharmed in the accident.
When we get home Andrea and Jenn go home. Jasmine is going to spend the night but Shaan and Marley have to go home. I sit on the couch besides Jas and Sam.
Sam, Jc, Trevor, Ricky and Con go to their rooms it leas Kian Jas and me in the living room. "If you need and thing, Bails, my phone will be on all night," Kian says then head up stairs.
Me and Jas fall asleep on two different couches.


Hey guys. Sorry I'm not updating a lot. Was practicing lately my audition for my audition for a play. I'll get my results Tuesday. I'm soo nervous.
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