Chapter 17

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"What is it?" I ask. Kian waits a few seconds before pulling something out Of his pocket. "You found it," I say smiling at the sight of my crossbow necklace.
"I took it."
"You stopped wearing it."
"I went to get it one day and it was gone."
"I want to ask you something, I just didn't know when, I think know is as good time as ever."
I don't say anything I just look at Kian waiting for him to say whats on his mind.
"I want you to give me another chance. Just one date. If you wanna we can start dating agin If not thanks ok. Just one date."
I hesitate a bit.
"One date. Tell me the details."
"Tomorrow be ready at noon. Wear something comfy."
I nod and Kian stands up and puts the necklace in my hands before he leaves.
I look at the necklace for a few seconds before putting it on.
I walk to my room and sit on my bed and hug my knees.
Jc comes through the door and sits by me.
"Everything ok?" He asks and I nod.
"Wanna go hang out at the beach tomorrow?" He asks
"Ye," I say and cu myself off remembering my date for tomorrow. "Sorry I can't."
"I have a date."
"Ya. He said just one date."
Jc nods and I give him a hug and he leaves after a few seconds. I wish Connor was here. He could pick out my outfit like he did with my first date with Kian. Connor never answers any of my text or any of the guys. Not the phone calls or anything. I take my phone out of my pocket and call Sam.
"Hey," Sam says.
"What's up?"
"Nothing much. Just needed to talk to someone besides the guys here."
"How have you been?"
"Ok. You?"
"My goldfish died. That was pretty sad."
"Aww. Sorry for your... Um... Loss."
Our conversation gets into Kian and mines date and he tells me some facts about Kian I didn't know. We talk a little longer after that conversation is over, but then Sam has to go so we say goodbye and hang up.
I hear a knock at my door. "Come in," I say.
"Hey," Ricky says and walks through the door. He sits on my bed by me.
I give him a hug. "Your the best little sister," Ricky says.
"Your the best bi brother," I say.

I am sitting in front of my camera and Ricky is sitting by me. "Hello everyone. Bailey here from O. 2. L. And I'm here with," I say and point to Ricky.
"Ricky DILLON," he says. It is fears week so Ricky is going to help out with giving some of my fears not and some when I was little.
When we finish filming its getting late so I go upstairs and start to edit. It will be up tomorrow after I eat home.
I wake up around 10 and slaps walk to my closet half awake and try to pick out what to wear.

Sorry it's short.

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