Chapter 12

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Kian and I arrive back home after dinner. During dinner a Kian took my hand and we danced. No one seemed to mind.
When we walk in the door I go to my room and change into more comfortable cloths and go back down stairs where boxes where that were labeled Christmas Crap and I smiled.
"I guess I know what were doing tomorrow," I say and Kia nods and pulls me into the couch with him and he kisses my cheek.
The next morning I wake up and Ricky an Kian are taking lights out of the boxes and I smile then start to help them. We make small talk them I hear a knock on the door. I walk over and open it and Sam is there. "Welcome home," I say and take some of his bags and put them just inside the door. "Come in and help us," I whine and drag his to the boxes. "But I just got back," Sam complains.
"I really don't care," I sing and Ricky laughs.
I'm a pretty good singer I guess. I sing a little better than Ricky which is surprisingly considering how good he ca sing.
We hang Christmas lights all over inside and out of the house. It's a little breezy out today and it feels good. We finish the lights and put up some decorations and go pick out a Christmas tree and put it up and decorate it. We put lights on is and a bunch of ornaments and a star on the top.
That night even though Christmas is three more week away Sam, Ricky, Kian, and I sit around the tree and I start to sing Chrismas songs and the guys join.
Ricky says they do that every year. I'm happy to be part of their Christmas. I keep remembering when I first moved in, how I didn't think I was wanted here and look at me now. I've lives here for almost 4 months about and it feels like forever and it's amazing. Just knowing I'm wanted means the world to me. Just having Ricky here to support me means a lot. It makes me happy to have Kian here as my boyfriend and so many people shipping us. We finally about a week ago got a ship name. It's Kily.
After we finish singing we are joined by Wishbone, who Jc left here. And Hazel, Kian's dog, runs into the room and jumps on my lap and licks my face. I giggle and Kian picks Hazel up off of me and I while my face. "Doggy slobber," I whine and wipe it on Ricky. "Eww, Bailey," he squeals.
I stick my tung out at him and Sam pushed him over almost hitting the tree. This is going to be one interesting Christmas.


I'm having a CONTEST!!
Comment ideas for the story for any upcoming part and I'll choose some I like and put them in my book giving you full credit. It's not much of a contest but its still something.
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