Chapter 22

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My eyes flutter open and the light shines in the window. I only see Sam and Trevor. "Guys," I say and they turn my direction from where they were talking.
"Morning Bailey," Sam says.
"Where's the guys?" I ask.
"At the airport. Saying by to Shelby," Trevor says and I nod.
"I'm going up stairs," I say.
I run up the steps and to my room. I close the door and collapse on my bed. I think about how much Ricky and Shelby hung out, all the time, without me. When she came I was a little happy. She wasn't the happiest to see me. Just Ricky. And Ricky didn't even remember me. I cry into my pillow until I hear a car horn. They must be back. I wipe tears out of my eyes. I can hear the guys downstairs and they are saying goodbye. They must be leaving. Here is a knock on the door. I open it and its Trevor and Sam. They say there going back so I give them hugs and say goodbye and close my door and sit on my bed once again. There's a knock at my door. "I don't wanna talk right now," I say not caring who it was.
"What's wrong," I hear Kian ask. So that's who it is.
"Nothing. I just wanna be alone," I reply.
Kian comes through the door, "Kian," I whine.
"Somethings bothering you, I wanna know what it is," he says and sits by me.
"I was just thinking about when I was younger and still at home," I say looking at my tattoo.
"Ricky tolled me the last you cut. It was when your parents died. You didn't have to," Kian says.
"I did."
"No, you didn't."
"I'm sorry," I say with my eyes starting to full with tears.
"I love you," Kian says pulling me into a hug.
"I love you too," I say burying my head in his chest. I cry for a little then lift my head up.
"I don't what to see you hurt," Kian say and I nod. "Tell me," he says.
"It's just I don't think Shelby wants me here. She wants to be in my place. I don't know I just over think things," I say.
"It's ok," Kian says.
I kiss his cheek and walk downstairs.
I sit on the couch by Jc. "Everything ok?" He asks.
"I'm ok," I reply with a smile. Jc nods.
I walk outside and sit on the porch and as soon as I set down I get a text from an old friend back home, Drake. In like the sixth grade I had a major crus on him and in 8th we dates for a little but when we broke up I got over him and we became like best friends.
Drake: AYE!!
Me: Aye Drakey

Its slowly coming to an end. Guys!! COMMENT WHAT THE SEQUIL SOULD BE CALLED!!

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