Chapter 6

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I wake up and head down stairs and eat my breakfast ready to take on the day. Ricky comes into the kitchen as he looks like he's al ready. "We have like an hour," I state.
"I know," Ricky says and I role my eyes smiling and continue my daily routine. Tomorrow is Saturday and Trevor is excited.
I get changed and go on my phone for a while until its time to leave to quit my job. I can't believe Ricky understood me.
In the car in a bit nervous but when we arrive an as ready as I'd ever be. I crack my knuckles, "lets do this."
Ricky follows after me into the restaurant. "Hey, we gotta talk," I say to the manager.
I'm now sitting in the car relieved that I don't have to worried 25/7. "Bails?" Ricky asks.
"Ricks?" I reply.
"On a scale o 1-10 how much does o2l mean to you?" Ricky asks.
"Um. I don't know. Like 8 I guess. I mean y'all mean the world to me," I say.
"Well. The guys and I. We've been talking. We wanna know if you'd like to be part of our o2l thing," Ricky sates/asks.
"Really! Me!" I stutter.
"I can't believe this!"
"Well believe. It's happening."
"Thank you."
"No problem."
We arrive home and I walk inside and the guys are spread out on the floor on their phones, like usual. "Will you make a video with me?" Kian whines still looking at his phone.
"Of corse I will," I say and sit down the the couch.
"What is next weeks theme?" I ask.
"We wee thinking truth week," Jc says looking up at me.
"Yay. My first o2l video!" I squeak.
"You asked her!" Sam shouts.
"Ya!" Ricky shouts back mocking him.
I stand up and walk to Kian and grab one if his hands and start to drag him to the door. "Lets go. Video time," I complain.
"Let me get me camera," Kian says and stands up and starts up the stairs to his room.
He comes back down the stairs with his camera and tripod and Jc is going to be filming. "We are going to do the Name that Youtuber challenge thing.
We are sitting on the chairs outside in the bright sun. It took about 10 minutes to pick the Youtubers we wanted to use.
Jc gives the signal that the camera is recording and Kian starts to talk. "What is up everybody. Kian here. In here with one of my good friends Bailey Dillon. She is the lovely sister of the Ricky Dillon. We are going to do the Name that Youtuber Chalange... thing... Yah." Kian explains a little more how this is going to work and then we get into the challenge. Kian goes first and its a zoomed in picture of a Youtuber's eye.
"Connor?" I ask.
"Ugg," Kian complains.
At the end I end up winning by one point. It was awesome.
Kian goes to his room to edit the video. I sit on the couch with Jc who is watching TV. It's on Animal planet and I sorta like this show.
After a while I get up and get something to eat. The day was mostly a lazy day just talking to the thus and making the announcement about how I'm now an o2l member. Most if the fans were pretty happy about it. That made me happy as well. They were saying how excited they were to see my videos every week and things like that, so sweet. There were haters who said thing like how I should die and things like that but that doesn't bother me too much. I just try not to think about it.
I made plans that tomorrow I'm spending time with all the guys at the mall and I'm excited.
Hey guys. I'm pretty bad at making characters and things like that
Could you please ether on Instagram comment on something or text me on MeowChat ether your self personally for my book for them to be a character it make one up.
This is what I need.
- character Name
- character hair color
- character eye color
-character hight
- character size (thin, fat exc)
-YOUR Wattpad name
-YOUR favorite o2l member


Instagram: 101love_o2l
MeowChat: 20gilsta


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