The Monk In The Bar

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Genesis shook his head and said, "Why did you not tell me who Peerless was earlier? It could have saved me a lot of trouble."

Ezra ordered some whiskey and glanced sideways, "What? So you can have him join your kung fu cult."

Genesis replied, "I merely wanted to guide the boy onto the right path."

"Right, just like you guided me to booze. Thanks for that."

"I merely suggested you drink to calm your spirit, I didn't think you would become a drunkard."

Ezra laughed, "Right, you didn't think that the psycho who killed millions wouldn't have issues with drinking." He got his glass and chugged it down in one fell swoop.

"Enjoy it while you can boy. The stronger you get the weaker alcohol becomes, I know you are intentionally keeping your level small so you can still get drunk but admit it, even ten bottles of Irish Whiskey would only get you tipsy for a few moments. Anyway, babysitting Peerless isn't your duty."

Ezra raised a brow, "Babysitting Peerless? I have no idea what you mean boss. It normal for me to drink."

"Not at the same bar for months on end. I know you have been observing him quite a bit since you won't tell me how you know him can you at least tell me what you know about him?" asked Genesis.

Ezra simply shrugged and downed another glass like he was drinking water. Genesis sighed and changed the topic, "Dragonheart has the tetragranium."

Ezra's body shivered as he quickly sobered up. With his mastery over his body, this was simple. He sobered up because he knew the result of this.

Genesis continued, "This means Peerless' identity will only hold out for a fortnight or so. I hope he gets stronger fast, otherwise, his demise will come sooner than I expected."

Ezra looked up and said, "Boss, I wanted to ask you a favor."

This time it was Genesis' turn to raise a brow, "What?"

"Boss, you said I can't find anyone world-class or higher from the four forces, I assume that still stands?"

"Of course, Ezra, what is your agenda?"

Ezra put on the most polite face he could, "See that pussy archer dude almost killed Will some time ago."

Genesis nodded while he squinted, "Go on."

"Well you see, I was wondering if I could-"

"Absolutely not!" shouted Genesis.

Ezra quickly started fawning, "Hey hey Boss let me finish. I didn't say I would kill him. He almost killed Peerless, so I just wanna almost kill him, you know, even the odds a little. You get what I mean right?"

Genesis squinted until his eyes were no different from slits. His aura made Ezra shiver a bit, causing the latter to speak out, "Hey I was kidding relax boss."

Ezra shivered once more, "You know boss, this is my favorite part about you. I killed hundreds of millions of people. Yet my slaughter qi is nothing compared to yours. This can only mean one thing boss hahaha."

Genesis went back to his normal self and ordered a glass of whiskey as well. The owner was truly amused, waiting to see a Buddhist monk drink.

"Get back to your post and ready the others for the conclave. I will observe Peerless for now. I will make sure no undue harm comes to the boy until the conclave. After the conclave, however, he is by himself."

Ezra worriedly chimed in, "Boss you still need one more thing to sweeten the deal."

Genesis sighed and ended, "After the conclave, you will get to spar with me for 10 days."

"17 days!" thew in Ezra

"A fortnight! No more!"

"Hahaha deal!"

Ezra hugged Genesis and got ready to leave, "Haha thanks Boss you are the best. When they learn you are protecting him no one will even come close."

Genesis sighed, "I assure you your name holds more weight in terms of deterrence."

Ezra took his last glass, "Well yeah only to the small fries, see ya later Boss." Ezra ran out of the bar like his ass was on fire with a smile on his face.

Genesis shook his head and took hold of the whiskey. This continued for about half an hour until the owner's curiosity got the better of him.

"Young man, aren't you gonna drink?"

Genesis shook his head, "Sorry sir I'm underage. America's age is 21 no? Then I'm too young, well physically at least.

'Physically young? What is that supposed to mean? Oh shit, he isn't gonna get all buddha on me right?'

Genesis smiled, as if he could read the man's mind, "Don't worry sir, I have no intentions of preaching, in fact, I'm not even a true monk. I was just a cleaner..."

The bartender was weirded out and wanted to walk away until Genesis spoke once more, "Sir, in your line of work you listen to people's troubles often right? Will you listen to mine? If you don't mind."

"Sure kid." The owner smiled awkwardly and moved closer to Genesis, "Alright then, hit me."

Genesis took the glass and started swirling it, "Sir, what if I told you that every action you take is predetermined by fate? That you are in a prison of your own making from the very moment you are born? You won't find me saying this strange seeing as you believe me to be a monk. But what if I wasn't? What if I was simply an ordinary guy at a bar telling you this. You would either think I'm crazy or you would be frightened by my words. If people in this world had a bit more courage they would know. They would know that the creatures they used to scare their children are real. They would know that gods and immortals stood above them. They would know that destiny is cruel and cares only about the result, not the process."

After swirling the glass a bit Genesis put it down. "Unfortunately people in the world are scared. They would rather think I'm crazy, after all, who would rather be afraid? Do you not think the same?"

Before the befuddled bartender could reply Genesis fixed his robes and walked out of the bar with his broom. Everyone in the continued on as they were now used to him, but the bartender stood there, lost in thought.

'What on earth was that kid saying?'

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