Preparation: Frozen Asgard Mask

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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Will had never been to a sporting event of a large scale in his life. But if he had gone to one, he doubted it would be this intense.

Will was stunned by the sight before him. He was in a long and dark tunnel. He could clearly see what was at the end. A shining light that led to the so-called coliseum.

Will could hear the shouts of observers as they chanted with intense vigor. Will was a bit surprised, but he was not overwhelmed. He narrowed his eyes as excitement filled him to the brim. His mind was already coming up with strategies, movements, and ploys to finish off his enemies.

The tunnel was simple and brown. From what Will could tell through his senses, there were at least a hundred thousand voices shouting outside. Some mysterious force prevented him from using his Water Sense to sense his environment.

Water Sense was the ability to see the world through water. In other words, the water manipulated by the user becomes a new sensory organ. Aqua Sense was when Will applied water intent to even detect the life force, soul fluctuations, and intent of his enemies.

Odin had restricted Will regarding his higher senses. Hence Will had no choice but to be more analogue in his approach and only use Water Sense.

He had been teleported there as soon as the time in the room had run out. Odin had spent the remaining time simply observing Will and giving him advice where he deemed the boy needed it then merrily saw him off.

"Boy, don't die too early."

Will was impressed by Odin's cheerful encouragement and nodded resolutely.

'I can't really tell if I'm one of the stronger ones or if I'm one of the weaker ones. I should be one of the stronger ones since they gave me so many limitations. I have to break past my current limits by breaking through new ones. The logic of gods and immortals is beyond me sometimes.'

But Will was still looking forward to the battles that were about to happen

'A tournament for Truthseekers. This is going to be interesting.'

Now that Will had a basic understanding of Truth, he was looking forward to this battle. He wanted to observe his enemies and hopefully learn from them. Truth had multiple uses but Will needed to see them firsthand.

"I'm definitely more of a visual learner. My theory application isn't bad but it lacks something."

"I disagree, your ability to apply something you have learned from a purely theoretical standpoint is actually quite good."

Adela paused for a moment. She hesitated to speak, but she eventually let out the words she had wanted to say for a while

"I am a child of the Literati."

Will paused for a moment to look at Adelda. He could see her clearly but she was only a projection.

'This explains a few things.'

There were many different types of races, but among humans, those at the peak were High Humans. There were different tribes of High Humans. One of them was the Literati. According to the knowledge Odin had imparted to Will, the Literati were the result of a miraculous fusion of a High Human race called the Gutu and a High Elf race called the Children of Letters.

The Children Letters were a group of High Elves with pure bloodlines related to nature and scholar-type magics. They were known as the most studious race in existence. The sheer knowledge they had collected was enormous.

The Children of Letters had the ability to share theoretical knowledge with their direct descendants. This resulted in them being superb not only having incredibly intelligent scions, but their observational skills had a mystic aspect to them.

As High Elves, they had a close relationship with nature. That plus their knowledge of the sentient mind made them superb judges of character.

The Gutu were the chosen of the Human Race. A peak human tribe that was loved by the laws of the universe. Gifted with powerful bodies and endowed with even more powerful souls and minds. They were the most feared battle-type human race and lived to fight. They were also well versed in magics of the soul and they cultivated a unique form of World Energy called Zesa.

They were powerful, arrogant, and xenophobic. They often looked down on other races and rarely interacted with others.

High Humans and High Elves can mate but it was almost impossible for a child to be born. Even if one was born it would be infertile. But there was an exception. The first ever Literati. A being who inherited the battle prowess and soul talent of the Gutu while also inheriting the knowledge and spiritual perception of the Children of Letters.

The Literati had difficulty reproducing and preferred to act with Elves than with humans, hence they were hard to contact and were enclosed.

They rarely allow people to come into contact with their scions and seldom let their children leave. The fact that Modus had a child of the Literati with him was odd for Will. He didn't know much about them, but he was sure that they were not on the same side.

Literati were very good at noticing supernatural trends, linking their observations with the knowledge within their bloodlines.

'What did she notice with me? Is that why she readily agreed with Modus in regards to being my waifu?'

Will's impression of Adelda changed the moment he learned what she was.

'The Literati, a behemoth tribe like that, can easily wipe out Earth with a single cough. I can't afford to mess around.'

"Have you mastered the cultivation manual that Odin gave you?" questioned Adelda.

The knowledge that Will was imparted with mostly consisted of basic knowledge and spells, but also a powerful cultivation manual on the same level of difficulty as the Solitary Sword Sovereign manual had been given to him. Unlike the SSS manual, the information was simplified and separated into stages. According to the stages, more and more knowledge would be unlocked with time.

Will activated a spell matrix that hovered in front of his body, as an outer membrane of water appeared outside his body just above his skin within his robes. Within seconds the membrane had turned into a cloth-like material that left no inch of Will's skin exposed. Even Will's eyes were covered like he was a faceless mannequin.

Will could no longer be identified.

Adelda knew what this was, a spell from the manual that Odin had gifted Will.

"The Frozen Asgard Mask."


Author's Note: It's 12 May 2023 as a wrote this. We have opened out Instagram page with character designs of all out characters being posted so check out @theonionjunktionx. If you want to see what Will, Adelda and Modus look  like check it out

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