Hou Yi's Shock; Modus Arrives

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"To be honest I am more stunned than you are. The boy is still in combat with my avatar. He has a powerful Soul and Sensory Perception. Intent, Truth and The Breath have been exhibited by him. He has copied my concept applications for the Dao of Water and made them his own. He is only level 99, but he treats concepts like there are toys, it's ridiculous. My Avatar was actually forced to open all 7 doors."

The Bald man was thunderstruck by these words. He knew full well what his master was capable.

'If he was summoned by the Atlas Columns, that means the System judged the user as having the same potential as master.'

The Bald remembered just how incredible the masked youth in front of him was.

'A user from Lower Worlds with 3 Higher Senses. This is absurd.'

"Master, can you be more specific about his abilities?" asked the bald man with a look of contemplation on his face. Although he had known his master since the latter was a mortal, they were not as close. Most of what he knew from that time period either came from legends or what he had been told by the youth himself.

The youth, or rather, Jingsung Ha, thought for a moment before speaking, "To be honest I don't need to say much. Since he summoned me through the Atlas Columns he is obviously a swordsman."

The bald man nodded in understanding and gestured for his master to continue.

"But you don't know is that he is the current Water Meister. I don't think I need to say more."

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Jingsung Ha sighed and said, "As you know, "Everything within the universe is composed of 8 aspects. Water, fire, earth, metal, wood, space, spirit and energy.

The Conquest System does not rate classes the way it does skills. Legendary Immortals said that it is not what class you have, but what you do with that class. Nevertheless, some classes are more powerful and rarer than others. Hence Ancient Sages with information gathering classes came together and created the IB. Once they transcended and became Immortals, the IB became part of the system itself. The IB has a ranking for everything, including the class rarity ranking.

The top 20 on that list are all classes which are powerful enough to upset the balance of the system, and there has only ever been a handful of users gifted enough to possess each class. These are the only classes that are rated SSS.

From rank 21 going up the rating is below SSS. But rank 21 is unique because it possesses 8 classes...the Elemental Meisters! They are above SS but below SSS, which is why positions 21-28 have been taken by them. Not only are they rare and powerful classes, but they have certain aspects unique to them.

First, only one Meister for each element can exist at one time. This means no matter what happens, so long as the aforementioned Meister is alive, it is impossible for there to be another Water Meister in existence. As I killed the previous Water Meister, there is a good chance that his boy and I have a bond of karma. Depending on the situation, we will either be good friends or horrible enemies

Second, The Elemental Meisters do not gain skills from their class as they level up. Almost every class has skills it gives the user as the user grows stronger, but Elemental Meisters do not gain such skills. They have to either learn skills from books, from others or create their own skills. This boy has already copied the basics of my Concept applications to perfection. He is without a doubt a parallel processing genius of the highest order. Were he not lacking physically and foundationally our battle would not have held suspense. I would have lost."

'Master just admitted defeat from a potential opponent. And a Water Meister no less.'

Jingsung Ha continued, "Third, no user has higher Elemental Affinity than a Meister for that particular element. Take my sister for example; no one can dare say that their affinity for fire is greater than hers. Fourth Sister could learn and or create any fire technique or ability; so long as her level was high enough and she trained hard enough. Now as an Immortal she no longer has that limiter. Since you have battled many a time and your attributes are similar you understand. If I am not mistaken, Fourth Sister has copied multiple techniques of yours. She's not even an archer, but she was able to steal the essence of your archery, that is the potential of Meisters."

The bald man had many memories that he found unpleasant, but few were as unpleasant as the ones he had of the Fourth Scion of Ha.

'That woman is frightening. She is entropy incarnate itself.'

Jingsung ignored his subordinate and continued, "Fourth, The powers or abilities a Meister has can level up along with their abilities. This results in Meisters becoming incredibly strong even if they don't learn or create new techniques.

Do you remember the epic Meister clash a few centuries ago?"

"Yes my Lord, if I'm not mistaken, it was a battle between The Earth Meister and the Metal Meister."

"Indeed. Centuries ago there was a battle between an Earth Meister and a Metal Meister. According to rumors, the two were throwing planets at each other despite being under level 300. Although it sounds ridiculous, the Elemental Meister's capabilities are that high."

"Well, they did more than just throw planets at each other. I should know, I was there."

This voice belonged to neither the bald man nor Jingsung Ha, but the duo knew the owner.

The bald man turned his attention to the silhouette that had appeared a few steps beside him. The bald man had an ugly Tengu mask but he was quite expressive. Shock was quite visible through the slits of his mask. Jingsung Ha noticed this and whistled.

'To be able to sneak up on me and Yi; as usual, Modus is quite the freak.'



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