Fafnir's Grave

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The young gods looked on as the wave went further, it thinned out and became weaker. Body parts started showing up—a part of a finger or half of an elbow. Then full body parts came, leading up to full corpses that were split in two. These were the most numerous and littered the edge of the fan-shaped death zone.

Just after the dead zone were the lethally injured, the wounded and the lightly inured. The enemy was left speechless. Then one heavily injured one that could walk bellowed and ran back. This, in turn, affected the ones next to it and a mass retreat was initiated

"If the rumours are true, even a single drop of pure truth has enough energy to destroy a galaxy."

"The densest, most viral and most indestructible existence when it is in pure form, created in neutron star cores, where there is so much gravity that the laws of physics start to bend."

"It is said to be called strange matter in lower worlds, wait, or was it dark matter?"

"Ah I went to a small planet that worships me recently, they called it anti-matter. But it was incomplete Truth."

Hercules coughed gathering everyone's attention, "5 % per cent of our universe is made up of regular matter. Strange matter/ dark matter makes up 24 % while the rest is world energy or Dark energy as Wodin stated.

Truth is not only indestructible, only Divinity mixed with Truth can harm Pure Truth. His mind is obviously not homogeneous, so he is far from being a Pure Truthseeker. But the fact that he uses yuan so fluidly..."

There were 3 main types of cultivators. Warriors, Mages and Practitioners. Practitioners were a fusion of the other two. Cultivators can only take 3 paths forward. Become an immortal through the Immortal Hero path. Become a god through acts of bravery or incredulity, for example, The hero Siegfried bathed in the blood of a dragon, becoming indestructible. Legend states that a linden leaf stuck to Sigfried's back between his shoulder blades - that part of his back is not covered in blood and is, therefore, his vulnerable spot.

According to legend, Guttorm plunged his sword into the spot where the leaf was on Sigurd's back and kills Sigurd under the influence of Brynhild. Siegfried became a god but died young. His legend still echoed throughout the universe.

The third and last path was the hardest, reaching a higher plane of existence known as Occlusions. To become an Occlusion, one must be born one or create a dao of their own.

That's no different from asking humanity to come up with a brand new science on the spot. It is something that can't just happen. Usually many cultivators of this path train to raise their mental energy and do research on the known dao. If this results in a new dao then you will gain partial occlusion, which makes you incredibly strong.

Truthseekers were beings born with an innate advantage. The ability to manipulate strange matter, dark matter and dark energy aka world energy.

"Strange matter is incredibly stable and viral. Like how King Midus' touch turned everything he touched into gold when strange matter touches ordinary matter, its stability will infect the normal matter, and all of the atoms will be bombarded with strange quarks. A single droplet of strange matter can convert an entire planet in less than a microsecond"

Truthseekers aren't fully understood, but we do know that no none divine power can resist it, be it for an ultimate attack, or ultimate defence, nothing beats Truth. Besides, truth only comes out when one has trained in a particular motion to its most perfect form, targetting the essence of the skill.

This showed them that Will was highly trained. Not only that, he was a practitioner so he could use both spells and skills. Last but not least was...

"Incredible, he is at a low level, but the purity of his Truth is incredible. We need an actual Truthseeker here to help us, who's the closest?"

"That would be Princess Athena, my Prince."


The gods took the recording and sent it to Athena, the goddess of wisdom. She was one of the few gods who could use truth. She was on an important mission herself, but analysing a mortal then sending a projection would take less than a second on her part. She quickly created an astral projection with a part of her mind and sent it over


'This is without a doubt the purest truth I have ever seen from a lower human.'

But she could not reveal that. Masters of such prodigies are usually people even she has to tread carefully. But she was the goddess of wisdom and warfare, she had a plan.

"Hercules, brother, treat this one with care. I am well acquainted with his master, force him to take the full review, then send him on a mission that gives him advantages and-"

Athena's projection stopped. Colour drained from the world. Making everything black and white. "This chilly sensation!" This is an astro-projection but somehow this being was able to stop time and affect her original body as well. The real Athena was doing research in an ancient library then she started screaming whilst holding her head. After a second she shouted, "I Understand, I understand!"

The projection's time had not been stopped, and the light was still moving, so it was not as if time truly stopped, but it was no joke either. Within less than a microsecond she revised her avatar and updated it on the spot.


Hercules, brother, treat this one with care. I am well acquainted with his master, force him to take the full review, then send him on a mission that gives him advantages and, and-ehem and put him in the harshest environment possible. That's what his master wishes for him."

Hercules started playing with his beard, deep in thought, "His master must be an old freak, but there are too many of them so it is pointless."

Hercules was also no fool. He didn't have a high IQ but he had incredible emotional intelligence. They were indeed on an interesting topic but, Athena? Stuttering?

Once Hercules came to a conclusion his mind buzzed with excitement.

"Sister, I have a request," said Hercules.

"Speak brother."

"I wish to go to Fafnir's grave. That boy is the missing piece. Do I have your permission?"

About a quarter of the gods and goddesses gasped while others looked confused.

Athena was silent for a moment before answering, "Very Well. But make his reward worth the effort. Also, tell him not to use the power of Truth in the second part of the mission. Also, take Narcissus to be the boy's bodyguard."

"Yes, sister!" Athena's Hologram blipped out of existence.

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