Chapter 106: Challenge Begins

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Miami had been changed in many ways and one of the ways it had been changed is that many of the old scrapped buildings had been destroyed by Letty being replaced by large open spaces. The duel that Will and the others had set the day before was to be held in one of these large spaces, one with the area of 4 football stadiums. It was quite a large open space with grass everywhere. The cement and any of the signs of one's society had disappeared long ago. It was actually more like a small grass plain within the city itself.

Everyone had gathered for the battle. Alexa and her crew from Dragonheart, whereas on the other side we had Letty who was waiting for Will to arrive. Will was slightly late, nevertheless, the others still waited impatiently. Will's words had instilled a lot of hatred and jealousy for the others, so they were all motivated to put him in his place.

Will was too valuable to kill, so there was no way the Dragonheart Empire would kill him in the life and death match. The whole point of having to be in a life and death match was just to teach Will a lesson. Unfortunately, they were teaching a lesson to one who was already a teacher. 

Will made his way to the ground of action where there were supposed to fight with a floating Duke in tow. Duke was being held in a water bubble with a camera like device in his hand. Many thoughts were running through his mind as his heart raced. Now that he was a part of a guild belonging to such a powerhouse, his future was virtually set. Granted this was still a world in the system, so dangers to one's life always lurked around the corner, especially if you were an information broker. But being part of Senbonken gave Duke a certain piece of mind. If he played his cards right, he could fulfill his dream of being a powerhouse.

Will also had a lot on his mind. He had had a long and fruitful discussion with Duke over certain pieces of information that he wanted.

This information had been in knowledge for a while and now that he was aware of this information Will was quite happy, not to mention the fact that he had gained a gifted subordinate.

Will had thousands of partitions in his mind which was equivalent to having thousands of thousands of minds together, so his mind power was quite impressive, his cognitive reasoning, his logic were much much higher than the average persons, so much so that it would even affect his senses, hence whenever Will was talking to someone, especially someone who is not that good of a liar he was able to detect what they are thinking, what they are feeling just from micro-expressions.

The eyesight he had gained from increasing in levels and abilities such as intent allowed Will to become a very good judge of character and skill.

Duke was a person with potential in skill with regards to the field of information, not to mention he could fight well as well. Will was confident of that. It wasn't just a matter of understanding Duke's intelligence but also a matter of understanding his talent in terms of qi and mana.

Duke's class was fit for hunting monsters. Will could feel the abundant qi in Duke's body but he also noticed a somewhat small difference from most people.

Intent allows you to scan the environment, similar to sonar but it can also penetrate to the molecular level although Will hasn't quite reached that point, he can detect certain differences between certain people, for example, Will was able to detect that Duke hadn't been using the system for a long time as compared to most yet he had already made such significant gains in his leveling up.

Not only that but Duke's qi was of pure quality. Even though he leveled up quickly his qi was of high quality which shows that the boy did have talent, and a rare talent at that. It just had not been used properly, so Will not only intended to make Duke his subordinate but he also intended to hopefully get guidance for him from Modus.

As Will made his way onto the ground, the others grimaced. Everyone knew what was about to come was a serious battle and if any mistake was made there could be a loss of life. As for Duke who is in a bubble, no one besides Letty gave a shit.

Will landed and looked to everyone apologetically, saying "Sorry I am late guys, I had some important business to take care of but don't worry, the ass whooping will occur today without any issues."

Alexa and her crew looked Will in disdain. Will's arrogant words were words that were designed to insight hatred and envy and any other negative emotion you can think of in regards to how one sees their enemy.

Will did this intentionally to try and bring everyone into their highest battle efficient state, he was confident he could defeat everyone but Ibrahim aside, Will was confident of one-shoting the others since they were all coming down to his level. If they had their normal levels back Will know he had no chance of beating Alexa, Taiga or Ibrahim but the others he might have had a chance.

Now that they were all being brought down to his level, Will was very confident. Of course the strongest of them all Alexa was not taking part, only the others were, as she was a ghost. The others were former supreme candidates so they had their pride. Not only that also their ranking was at stake.

Will released Duke from his bubble and explained the situation to Letty, who nodded in understanding. Letty and Duke quickly exchanged greetings while Will did some unneeded stretches, just to further aggravate his foes.

There weren't many formalities involved. Will just shooed Letty and Duke away while signaling Duke with his eyes. Duke understood the signal and started recording while swallowing his saliva. The reason was simple. His gaze fell to Alexa and co. If he didn't know who they were then he had been and information broker in vain.

Will had given him a rough idea of what was happening but to Duke, only one piece of information mattered. 'Life and Death Battle!'

He knew how powerful these people were, and that they were being dropped to Will's level, yet Will was very confident in defeating them all under these circumstances. There was no doubt that this battle would be epic. Will had given Duke permission to shoot the fight, which Duke was still a bit apprehensive about but he still complied.

Alexa naturally noticed the camera in Duke's hand and made it a point to destroy it after they had taught Will a lesson. But first things first.

Will calmly drew his sword and pointed it at everyone "Let's begin guys". Alexa shook her head and waved her pen, a wave of energy lashed out from the pen, penetrating the environment. After that wave was gone, Will noticed that levels of people in from of him had been affected drastically.

They had all been lowered to his level, level 74. Will didn't make a move and allowed his opponents to get used to their new bodies because all of them were used to being at a higher level. Think of it this way, this was similar to a man who is always used to walking normally having one of his legs crippled, so it would take time for him to adjust to moving on one leg.

This was something similar, the lot of them had their physical abilities and mental abilities changed and affected by this level down, nevertheless, they still had certain skills and the experience that gave them an advantage over someone of their level.

Unfortunately, they weren't dealing with a normal person on their level, they were dealing with Earth's first Sovereign. The Infamous Peerless Dao Master.

The first person interested in attacking, without surprise, was undoubtedly Merlin. Merlin was the most powerful mage in the bunch. She was also a person who was skilled and could back up her arrogance. Will was a water user, everyone knew that. Merlin primarily specialized in water-based magic. She wanted to fight fair and square see how she should fare in front of him.

Thus she raised her wand and said: "Everyone step back. I am the one who is facing him first."

The others simply stood back and allowed Merlin to make that her attack. Unlike Merlin, they were not so arrogant, they knew Will would be difficult to defeat. Nevertheless, they all had the confidence to do so, and as such, they were using Merlin as a way of checking out what Will's abilities were. They hadn't really seen them perfectly but they knew that he could pack quite a punch due to his incredible profile.

He had swatted away Merlin's fire arrow barrage easily. Not to mention how he had dealt with the assassin that had attacked him. Since Will is a Water Meister, there was no doubt he had gained something from that battle. None of them knew what it was, so they were not going to take Will lightly in this battle.

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