Chapter 90: The N Word

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Will and Nzou went on like people who had known each other for years. This baffled everyone. It was clear from their words that they had just met, but they shared a camaraderie that was so unusual.

Karim, being the man that he was, could no longer hold in it. He held his fist out, just like Will had done, and said, "Ma nigga wassup!"

The moment he said these words, everyone except Letty froze. They all looked at Karim as if he was an alien. Even the cool and calm Ibrahim face-palmed at his fellow teammate's actions. If Nzou was caucasian, his skin would have turned red from embarrassment. He quivered in anger and was about to act but Will moved before he did.

Will drew his sword and went straight for Karim's neck. Karim was also above level 100, which was a massive watershed, so he was no weakling. He saw Will's movements clearly and got ready to dodge. The only person there with a level lower than Will's was Letty, hence she was the only person who saw Will as a blur.

Everyone from Karim's side had the same thought.

'Karim can easily dodge that.'

And rightly so. Karim's specialty was not speed but it certainly wasn't his weakness. Karim saw Will's movements clearly as if the latter was moving in slow motion. To look cool, Karim intended to dodge the attack last minute, but when he tried to dodge the attack, something strange happened.

'Why isn't Karim dodging?'

This was the question on everyone's mind. Alexa and Ibrahim, however, saw it differently. Karim was indeed moving, but he was far slower than Will!

Karim panicked in his heart. It felt as if his entire body was under water, and the water pressure was bearing down on him with immense strength. Just nodding under these circumstances would be an achievement on its own.

Will's sword was only a few centimeters from decapitating Karim's neck when Nzou's voice rang out. "Bro!"

Will's sword stopped on Karim's neck, a little blood was already dripping down the rusty edge of the old sword.

Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief when this happened. "Nigga pump the brakes, he's a retard, ima deal with him later, so chill."

Will's strict expression relaxed a little, "I'm pumping bro, I'm pumping." Will sheathed his sword with a deadpan expression and eventually looked away.

Will stared at Letty and said, "Listen, never. Ever say the 'N' word in front of me, is that clear." Will's face was unusually serious as he said this, making the mood even tenser. Letty nodded her head with an intensity similar to a chicken pecking corn.

Nzou grabbed Karim by the collar and dragged him off saying, "Excuse me, I have to have a chat with this fool."

No one felt pity for Karim as he screamed like a little girl while being dragged off into the horizon. Letty was still a little confused, but she somewhat understood that Karim had said something that he should not have said. Alexa awkwardly coughed, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Ahem, that was Karim. His class is Armoured Guardian. He is also over level 100. On behalf of the Empire, I, ehm, apologize for what just happened, it won't happen again, you have my word."

Everyone on Alexa's side nodded as if to reinforce what she had said. Will's impression of these people had dropped to an all-time low due to Karim's antics. Alexa clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention and gestured at Francisco.

"This is Francisco, his class is Vector Knight."

Francisco did a gentleman's bow while ogling Letty. The team was told to be wary of Letty and already knew her sensitive identity, so Francisco tried to be low key, but Letty's beauty stunned the poor pervert's soul. He had seen an image of her, but seeing the real thing was an entirely different story. Letty took a few steps closer to Will to avoid his stare. Little did she know that she was moving from one pervert to another. Will had a unique taste, so his perversions needed certain bootylicious circumstances to occur.

"This is Gabby, her class is mythical tamer. She just reached level 100." Gabby was shy and simply nodded her head. Will nodded his in return. He was happy that there was someone normal in their group. For some reason, her normalcy brought comfort to him.

"You have already met Taiga, his class his Void Shinobi. He is close to level 125 like Woodsy" Taiga was not visible at the moment, but no one had a doubt that he was there. Not to mention that some even knew where he was and what he was doing.

"As for myself, I am above level 125 and my class is Radiant Skywalker. I am a warrior."

Letty could not help but gasp this time. Everyone looked at her wondering what was up, but she shook her head and said, "Please don't mind me haha." Everyone ignored her as requested, but Will and Alexa had something else in mind entirely.

"This is Letty, she is a Necromancer." Letty did a slight bow. All the men nearby except Will were visibly enchanted.

"Ahem, you all know who I am, my class is Water Meister."


This time Letty screamed and tripped, falling onto the ground. Not only her, but Alexa also gasped. Their reactions showing that this class was not normal at all. Will was annoyed so he stared at Letty and said, "I don't care about your reaction to Alexa's class, but did your reaction to mine have to be over the top?"

While Will was grilling Letty, Alexa accessed her info panel and made a call. Will looked to the said and saw her cover one eye.

"Yes sir, what you heard was correct, he did say Water Meister..."

Will scratched his head due to their reactions. Only Letty and Alexa reacted, but this made it worse because this meant that what they knew was information privy to top-level characters. Will picked up Letty and glared at her.

"Alright kid, spill the beans."

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