Chapter 127: Guten Morgen

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"Miss Aurora Phoenix, never in a thousand lifetimes, would I have expected to have the honor of dining with such an angel. A toast, everyone. To Miss Aurora!"

"To Miss Aurora!"

A feast was being held in a large dining hall. Swastikas were draped on the grey walls and ground, creating an eerie atmosphere. The table was surrounded by people with swastika armbands, only a handful did not. The seats could accommodate upwards of 50 people, so the latter stood out among the rest. The woman at their head, especially, was on a whole other league.

Her body released an aura that had turned many a man and woman insane. She had curves where she should have curves. She had straight lines where she should have straight lines. The ravine on her chest had long caused the gazes of the people nearby to fall and never come back out.

Nietsche once said: gaze long enough into the abyss, and the abyss would gaze back. All these people had most likely taken that to heart, though no 'eyes' had rewarded their efforts as of just yet.

Taking full advantage of her assets, she wore a skin-tight purple battle suit armed with some weapons and devices.

As her cherry-blonde hair swayed despite there being no wind, Aurora giggled and blushed, "Well, I and my crew appreciate the Fuhrer's accommodation. Hopefully, we can do away with the Empire's attacks."

At the other end of the table, at the head, sat a fat young man. He had black hair and brown pupils.

Everyone not belonging to Aurora was wearing a Nazi Uniform. This man's uniform was different.

He was the leader of the State, the 4th Reich: Mein Kampf.

He was a staunch follower of Hitler's philosophies, and his devout follower. Before the system came he was a till operator and forced to hide his obsession. But he got a powerful class during the first wave. He leveled up and became a powerful State Lord, quickly bringing his dream to fruition.

Not only that, but he came upon another boy, an orphan with an unusual class, that could permanently alter a person. Mein Kampf used his and the boy's power to permanently turn everyone in his territory into blonde, blue-eyed Aryans. He refused to alter himself, not disclosing the reason. Thus, he remained the only unique person in his rather large fief.

Outsiders were not allowed entry unless they were willing to go through the transformation. There was an option of becoming a permanent resident. So far, there had been many people who accepted the transformation, but of all of them, no one refused the option of becoming a permanent resident. Not only that, but any 'permanent' resident acted in a rather odd way. As if they were always happy, but their bodies a bit... stiff. Hence, they were called Robot Nazis.

Mein Kampf raised his glass and said, "Our vanguard has already made contact with their front troupes. Ibrahim, Taiga, and Solitary Sword Sovereign have made contact. Argh what an arrogant name, especially for a negro. Absurd! Hahahahaha..."

All the Robot Nazis laughed along with him as if he had the funniest thing in the world.

Aurora's second in command, Rhino, tilted to her leader and muttered, "Working with Nazis? Doesn't that go against everything we stand for?

Aurora titled and replied, "What else would you have me do? They killed the old thief, declaring their stance. Whatever the coast, whatever the cost, we cannot let the Empire gain a foothold there! Mein Kampf has no intention of expanding soon, and he is much easier to deal with. Once we have dealt with the Empire and made sure that Solitary isn't Peerless Dao Master, then we will deal with this sicko."

Rhino could do nothing but nod. Mein Kampf clapped to silence the room, but it was as if this action had an unintended result because an alarm started to ring out.

"It seems we have some unexpected guests, my apologies for the incompetence of my men." Mein Kampf stood up and bowed crudely. It was clearly an act he did not do often.

Aurora stood up and bowed simply in return, "We also sent men, so this falls on us as well. Shall we hurry on? This sounds urgent"

Mein Kampf wiped the grease and oil from his face and faced his comrades, "Indeed, to arms! The scum is approaching the Grey Steps! Wolfgang, lead the way!"

"Understood!" replied his people. A strong young man took the lead.

Aurora was not aware if Kampf had a long-distance communication skill or if it was a device he was using. There was nothing in his ears and he certainly wasn't using the system, he would have to close an eye for that: a rule that everyone had to follow.

'How did he know where to go? No one came to inform him and he has nothing on his ears. Does that mean he has some form of long-range detection?'

The Gray Steps was a wide flight of steps that led to Kampf's palace. There wasn't much. The palace was built on a hill, the Grey Steps covered the left entrance. They had virtually no defenses, just like the rest of his palace. Kampf never envisioned being attacked in this manner and just indulged in carnal desires day in day out.

Everyone ran and followed the young man, Wolfgang, until they arrived at the top of the stairs. There were a few hundred steps to take, but it was the width of the stairs that was marvelous. When everyone arrived at the top, they marveled at the sight below, even Mein and his subordinates who lived there.

Everyone in the group had relatively high levels, which meant that they all had very good eyesight. But the sight they saw that moment they would never forget for their entire lives. A young man with white hair, dark skin, in Daoist attire, with a sword strapped to his side. He was climbing the steps while dragging a hundred corpses tied with string, or rather, strands of water. The young man looked up and tilted his head in slight confusion.

"Since I'm the visitor I should probably say... guten morgen?"

= = = = = = = = = =

Cookie's Note: I'm taking the chance to edit them a bit, so it's up to you whether you choose to read them as they come out, or all at once. Planning to get up to 130 this time.

Whelp, back to editing I go.

~ Cookie

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