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Those in the room who did not know gasped. Merlin and Woodsy were surprised as well. Certain Dungeons were based on mythologies or stories; they had distinct names. Branded Dungeons. War of the Titans was the brand that encased all things ancient Greek. Mount Olympus was one of the most important of all Greek mythology dungeons that had war. But there was a theme—defending a from a siege.

The story is that Mount Olympus is under attack from Titans so players go around the mountain defending areas they could from the horde of monsters trying to attack.

There were other brands like Underworld Stroll, Stuck in Styx, Gaia's Forbidden Tale etc. But Mount Olympus was one of the most difficult across any branded dungeon on earth, this is still considering that many are still undiscovered.

Merlin just glared at Will and sighed. Woodsy snacked on some BBQ while the others who did not volunteer were cheering inside regarding their victory.

Will stood up, "The war against the Titans is dangerous, I know, but the function of allocating all the party's experience to a few people is useful."

Branded dungeons were much more dangerous, but had the extra function of allowing select people within the party to gain all of the party's experience. This was very useful for boosting talents, so many guilds fought over them.

"Letty Duke, me and Alice need a boost. Is there anyone else who wants to come? Anyone?"

No one said anything. Not even the invisible Taiga.

"All right then," Will shrugged.

"Everyone coming with me get geared. Everyone else is following that handsome bastard's orders. We meet at the entrance in 10. Dismissed."


"War of the Titans is positioned with multiple entrances across the world. The closest one is here." Said Woodsy. Everyone was riding a wooden eagle she made.

Alexa, the only real expert in the group, pointed at a direction and said, "There!"

The eagle turned direction and flew where she pointed.

"From now on, I will only observe. Good luck."

Alexa's body disintegrated into dust. The eagle squealed as it touched the entrance and was teleported.

Everyone opened their eyes to an incredible sight. There were at the base of a massive mountain piercing the heavens; titanic monsters were fighting flashing lights of divinities.

It was indeed an astonishing sight. But they were smaller than an ant was to an adult whale in comparison to these giants. Besides, they had their issues to deal with.

"Welcome to War with the Titans: Mount Olypus!"


Within a forest in the middle of the night, a man was looking death in the eye without any fear!

A pack of demonic wolves surrounded one man. They drooled in anticipation. The young man was an average build. He was wearing A brown linen top and trousers. He had wooden sandals as his shoes and a broken katana as his weapon.

"Come you, vile creatures! I fear not death! Only that I could not save more innocents!" The man faced the nearest wolf and went for it, but before he reached it, it was already dead.

A rain of arrows had wiped out the wolves in quick succession. Duke was chilling on a tree branch trying to look cool.

"Are you okay young man- ehhhh!" sadly he slipped to the ground and fell painfully.

"Ah, great adventurer! Are you okay?"

Said the young man as he ran to Duke's side. Duke shook his head and said, "I'm okay, don't worry about it. I'm Duke. Nice to meet you."

The young man stood up and bowed, "Great adventurer, I, Achillies, owe you my life!"

Duke stood up and realized he was messier than he was. "Don't worry about it. But you see I have a favour to ask of you, can you help my friends and me out?"

Will and the others came out from the under-brush surprising Achilles much. He didn't even sense their presence!

'The gods are finally smiling upon us! Powerful adventurers are exactly what we need.'


Achilles led the group to his village and explained. They were also part of the system but lived at the base of Mount Olympus which had a thousand-year war raging on. The bottom of the mountain was the safest for mortals, but the mountain was simply too large, like a world of its own. When the war broke out a thousand years ago, many cities and nations broke apart. It took a thousand years and the help of adventurers summoned by Gaia to aide them.

The summoned adventurers could only stay on Olympus for a specific time. This time was reached when the user reached a bottleneck in power.

Branded dungeons could not be owned by one group. They didn't follow the typical rating of normal dungeons either. They were impossible to clear but kept giving gifts.

In return, they were more dangerous, unpredictable and a bit mysterious in how they openly defied the laws of physics.

Their village was founded a century ago. Back then, this area was safe, and no monsters wanted it. But an ogre army discovered a mythril mine in the land and started destroying villages in the area. Mythril was a precious magic ore that was extremely hard to find. They immediately blocked the area and made it so that escape would mean death or slavery. They did not want other powers to learn of this.

The boy explained that from its inception, every village is to hand its control to adventurers. But some villages that could protect themselves defied their ancestors and refused to give power. But their Village Tsimikas was in danger of oblivion.

The ogre's mount, the ogeri, assaulted the village. Most of the fighting men were dead, so Achilles decided to lure the ogeri away from the village. He was supposed to lose his life. And he did so without hesitation for his home. He was just a low levelled boy, but he had garnered respect from everyone there, especially Will.

'Hhmm seems like he's perfect for my plan. Alright, Achilles, I choose you!'


The village was simple. It was littered with mud huts and only had a wooden fence for defence. Will could not help but cringe on the site. The moment the party entered the village a prompt appeared in front of Will's face.

[You have been offered the leadership of this village. Will you accept?]

Will nodded to show that he had accepted. There was a smaller version of the lord system here, except Lords commanded Villages towns and so on, not territories.

'To think a village like this could last for a thousand years. Something is up here.'

In the village, the only thing you can't control is how long or any other user can stay for.

Every village has a bare minimum of 100 militia. The stats

Of the village could be seen.






Villager Satisfaction:1

Form: Village

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