The Raindrop Area

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"To have forced me into opening my 7th Door, truly impressive. Forcing me to use Water Force is even more impressive. But all that means nothing if you end up losing in shame and taking nothing away."

Jingsung had removed any distance between him and his opponent, Will's own sword was now centimeters from his own neck. He literally had a blade by his neck.

"You know, when I first saw you I thought you to be more of the silent Zoro type of dude, but you're more chatty than I give you credit for. Why the need to talk so much?"

Will felt like there was a reason his opponent was talking to him in such a manner. The question was why? Why go through this?

"While it is true that I am normally a man of few words, circumstances dictate that I speak to you at the moment.

"Now it's time for me to show you why I was called the Raindrop Swordsman."



For the life of him Will couldn't figure out why this was happening. And he wouldn't get the chance.

Jingsung's face showed the rate trace of a snicker. This was not disdain or derision. This was the face of a man who no longer held himself back. The face of a man who had no scruples with unleashing himself.

It was at this point that Jingsung had received permission from Modus. He was now controlling the Restricted Avatar directly. Which went unnoticed, or rather, it should have.


All of the observers, from Hercules and his cohort to Adelda barely noticed anything, because they were also all using Restricted Avatars as well. There was a reason they were called 'Restricted'. Divine and Immortal beings could only operate in the mortal realm once their power was restricted, otherwise they could overload the space they exist in and break apart the fabric of space-time.

Their senses were among the many that were restricted. This was the reason few could even detect that an Immortal had descended on to the avatar. Hercules and co could tell anything as Modus had hacked the system. He was a System Administrator and this was his sector. His power was unmatched when it came to accessing system backdoors.

Yet, despite this, there was someone who noticed something, the only issue was that he wasn't quite sure what it was. Will began to feel two odd feelings at that moment.

The first one was fear. A tingling sensation coursed through his skin, causing the hairs all over his body to stand erect. It was like someone was running a small electrical current through him. This caused a great sense of emergency to arise within the boy.

Within King Yama's gate, Will had learned the importance of listening to his gut, especially when it came to sudden onsets of negative emotions. Will leveraged Water Force to slide back. Jingsung Ha went from feeling like he was oppressing a small being with his own mountainous force to cutting a slippery rubber ball.

'He removed all friction using the Formless Concept and used water force to push himself back. Haha, how unorthodox.'

This was the equivalent of stopping one's resistance in a clash of force and allowing the force to push you pace. The formless concept allowed him to temporarily remove friction, but he couldn't use that forever.Will was only able to do so then because he had been stationary for a long time, thus he had enough time to build up water force to fuel his water concept.

'Heart to will and will to heart. He can fuel Concepts using both qi, intent and forces. This boy is worthy of this.

Will had to stab his sword into the rocky ground to stop himself from sliding. His control over the formless concept was still aching, so he couldn't turn it on and off as he pleased. Will was starting to feel mentally exhausted, but the desire to do battle within never waned. And this was due to the second feeling he got from ha. Before the former could explore this feeling, he was immersed in a familiar sensation.

'Oh sh*t!'

Will had created some space, but alas, it was all for naught. His eyelids started to drop. Will knew what was coming, but he could do nothing to stop an ability he could barely understand.

"Raindrop Sword First Chapter: Raindrop Area."

Will's eyes were about to close but his ears were sharper than ever. He heard the cool calm and collected voice of his opponent chant his technique name.

Jingsung Ha spoke as if he was talking about the mundane. It was as if there was no difference between what he had just said and the time. But Will knew that this was no small talk.

With immediate effect, Will felt the connection he had with the rain around him worsen dramatically.

"What in the flying f*ck is this?"

Will cursed under his breath as he tried to understand what was happening. His Aqua sense was still capable of sensing and manipulating water around him, but he suddenly felt like he was now losing in an elemental tug of war in the spiritual realm. His connection to the rain worsened and worsened, until Will could no longer borrow Water Force at all!

Jingsung Ha was slowly walking as Will's eyes finally shut, but Will knew he would be near him in less than a fraction of a second.

'It's just a matter of figuring out which direction the n*gga will come from. Which is basically impossible now.'

Aqua Sense had just been rendered useless. Not to mention that Jingsung Ha had completely suppressed his killing intent. Will was not sure how Jingsung Ha had prevented his killing intent from spilling out. This was a problem as it stopped Will from using the scanning passive ability he had from bloodlust. Despite the fact that Jingsung released no killing intent, Will's tingling told him there was plenty of intent to damage coming his way.



Two masterful strokes aimed at the blinded Will but only one hit. The other was parried away, but one had slashed diagonally across the boy's chest. Will tried to use his other senses to keep up but he failed. It was only by a stroke of fortune that he had parried the first blow, but Ha had skillfully delayed his second strike with his free hand. Will had focused on guardian one blow so he dedicated both the rusty katana and ice blade to blocking the first blow.

Will was now bleeding profusely as he jumped back, calmly glaring at his opponent.

'I was careless. I lack experience dealing with swordsmen, especially dual wielders. Not to mention that this was a frontal attack as well, he showed mercy. If he had wanted to kill me I would be dead. I need to remain.

"I thought you to be a merciless swordsman, but it turns out there is a heart somewhere in that AI of yours." Mocked Will.

Jingsung frowned and said, " You are clearly gauging the heart of a gentleman with your own measure. People like you are an eyesore."

Will scoffed and let go of the ice sword. He let go of his connection with the water around him all together. It was clear that fighting this man on the grounds of water manipulation would be pointless. So Will changed his gear. He started to drive the qi in his body to go faster though his body. His active meridians, especially his open Doors, were swelling up with world energy being processed into pure metal yuan.

Jingsung Ha felt the change and focused on his opponent.

'What is this mortal up to?'

Will pointed the tip of his rusty sword toward his opponent as a sharp metallic energy built up around his body. His eyes narrowed as he glared daggers at his opponent with a savage grin.

"If I'm an eyesore, I dare you to scratch me."

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Thank you for reading! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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